Welcome to Real Food RN! A blog with the mission to empower you to live your healthiest life possible, starting today.

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Heavy Metal Contamination in Spices

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How to Use Rosewater in Cooking

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What is Functional Medicine?

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Is Ear Candling Safe?

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How to Properly Wash Produce

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Health Benefits of Sulforaphane

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Tips and Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

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What is the Aroma Freedom Technique?

The Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) is a totally unique way to use essential oils and aromatherapy. It’s safe to use for anyone who wants more emotional freedom in their life, even kids! Since the technique utilizes only all-natural essential oils and guided imagery, it’s safe for all of us!

health & wellness

Top 10 Edible Weeds

If you have a garden, you may not realize you’re sitting on a goldmine of edible weeds. You might think a weed is a bad thing, but it’s really just a plant growing in the “wrong” place. Chances are, your garden is full of extra food you just don’t know about.

health & wellness

How to Sprout Seeds the Correct Way

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Health Benefits of Biomats

Biomats have been shown to have a positive effect on a wide range of health conditions but they are especially effective for people suffering from chronic pain.

health & wellness

Is Wheatgrass Juice Safe for Gluten-Intolerant People?

Wheatgrass juice looks self-evidently good for you. It’s a gorgeous emerald green, brimming with energy and health. Healthy-looking people drink it. It’s alive, growing there right in front of you at the juice bar. It is very healthy for you but some of us have to as the question: does wheatgrass juice contain gluten?

health & wellness

Health Benefits of Red Light Therapy

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Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting can have some significant positive impacts on your mental and physical health and is easily incorporated into a normal lifestyle. Just remember to choose the intermittent fasting schedule that suits you and helps you feel your best.

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All About Ceramic Knives, and Why They are Healthier!

health & wellness

Why is Sugar Bad for You?

What exactly is wrong with sugar? Put simply, it’s terrible for your health whether it’s rotting your teeth or affecting the circulation in your feet. And it’s not easy to take an attitude of ‘all things in moderation’ because sugar is everywhere in the Western diet, from snacks to sushi.

health & wellness

Foods That Help You Sleep

Research has shown that the effects of sleep deprivation are comparable to alcohol impairment – you are more likely to make poor decisions, have slower reaction times, and are more likely to be involved in car accidents. Your body needs sleep to repair itself, to grow muscle, synthesize hormones and to process all the information received by the brain during the day.

health & wellness

Harmful Effects of Parasites in Humans

Parasites don’t only invade those who live in underdeveloped nations! It’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of Americans have undiagnosed a parasite infection. Many of them go ignored or misdiagnosed, and most are transmitted via food and water.

health & wellness

The Health Benefits of Light Therapy and How to Do It

Doctors are increasingly prescribing light therapy instead of medication, or to increase its effectiveness. Studies have shown that light therapy can be an effective treatment for a range of health problems.

health & wellness

Are Underwire Bras a Health Hazard?

Studies have shown that underwire bras can lead to all sort of negative health impacts from skin irritation to blocked milk ducts. Underwire bras may be pretty and lacy, even sexy, but here are few health hazards you should consider.

health & wellness

Health Benefits of Einkorn Flour

Einkorn flour is a good source of protein, iron, thiamine, dietary fiber, and some other B vitamins. It also contains large amounts of the powerful antioxidant lutein.

health & wellness

What is a ZYTO Scanner and How Does it Work?

A ZYTO scan can even identify exactly the best ways to improve both your mental and physical health, including the use of diet, exercise, supplements, and even essential oils! Is that cool or what?

health & wellness

What is Azure Standard Food Delivery?

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The Real Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and What You Can Do!

Elесtrоmаgnеtiс pollution iѕ аll аrоund us. There’s a lоt оf ѕсiеntifiс evidence tо ѕhоw EMFѕ may nоt оnlу cause cancer, but also dаmаgе уоur hеаrt, уоur mооd, and уоur immunitу. But, there are things we can do to help protect ourselves and our families!

health & wellness

The Health Benefits of Milling Flour in Your Home

Have you ever wondered about the quality and nutrition of the flour you use? Many of us don’t since it’s so available, we take for granted that quality brands and types of flours are as good as it gets.

health & wellness

What are the Basics for the GAPS Diet?

The GAPS diet reduces or eliminates the foods we know we shouldn’t be eating anyway. The diet encourages us to eat food as close to its natural state and as fresh as possible, which is exactly what we should strive for to maintain health.

health & wellness

Top 10 Healthiest Foods to Add to Smoothies

There is so much information out there about what to put in your smoothies to satisfy your taste buds and give your body the maximum amount of nutrients, so I wanted to put together a list of the healthiest of 10 healthy foods to add.

health & wellness

Healthy Benefits of Neti Pots and Nasal Salt Inhalers

Both neti pots and nasal salt inhalers cleanse irritants and thin mucus that can go from mildly irritating to a full-blown sinus infection. Salt has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which makes it the perfect treatment for all types of upper respiratory issues.

health & wellness

Top 10 Ways to Increase Lymphatic Drainage

Increasing lymphatic drainage isn’t difficult or time-consuming. In fact, many of the suggestions I’m about to reveal are things that are just plain healthy for all of our bodily systems and our overall well-being!

health & wellness

How Does Sugar Negatively Impact Our Health?

You may believe you don’t eat much sugar, certainly not as much as most people. Even the most health-conscious people eat more sugar than they think they do though because it’s everywhere.

health & wellness

Why I Take Athletic Greens Every Day

Athletic Greens саn be uѕеd аѕ a multivitаmin/multiminеrаl, as well аѕ a grееnѕ ѕuррlеmеnt, аnd provides a ton of vitаminѕ аnd minеrаlѕ. Namely, оnе ѕеrving рrоvidеѕ the full daily vаluе of zinc, vitаmin A, аnd аѕ much or mоrе of vitаminѕ C, E, biоtin, аnd many оf the B vitаminѕ.

health & wellness

Is Technology Dependence Harming Our Health?

If we can learn to modify our behavior and moderate the time spent using technology, we will undoubtedly notice vast improvements in many areas of our lives.

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Foods for Babies & Young Children That Are Critical for Their Development

It’s confusing to know what foods to start your baby on! It’s always important to check with your doctor, but the latest research shows that starting allergenic foods before age 1 actually prevents allergies.

health & wellness

Top 10 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses

Apple cider vinegar has both antibacterial and antifungal properties, which increases its natural health benefits (and is why grandma used it to clean house). You’ll be amazed at all of the uses for apple cider vinegar, and what this stuff can do for you and your family!

health & wellness

The Many Health Benefits of Emu Oil Explained

Emu oil has been used in several burn victim research studies and has been found extremely beneficial to both reduce pain and inflammation and to heal damaged skin.

health & wellness

What Is the Ketogenic Diet? + 5 Benefits It Can Bring into Your Life

We’ve put together a handy guide to the ketogenic diet below - what you can eat, the health benefits you’ll get, how to tell if keto is right for you, plus tips and recipes so you can get started today.

health & wellness

9 Amazing Wheatgrass Juice Benefits

Why bother buying wheatgrass and a juicer? Well, there are plenty of reasons though, we will focus on nine of the more important benefits here.

health & wellness

Are Energy Drinks Bad For You? What’s the Alternative?

Because not everyone responds to individual ingredients or the combination of them in the same way, drinking even one energy drink can cause major short-term health issues. Let’s take a closer look at some of the commonly reported health issues associated with energy drinks.

health & wellness

The Amazing Health Benefits of Ashitaba

Ashitaba is a treasure trove of dietary health, including 13 minerals, 11 vitamins, carotene, saponins, proteins, fiber, germanium, glycosides, chlorophyll, enzymes, coumarins, and a rare type of flavonoid called chalcones. Due to its mixture of amazing properties, it’s been studied at length.

health & wellness

How To Find the Right Himalayan Salt Lamp

Himalayan Salt Lamps have become all the rage, as news of their health benefits spread to mainstream Western society. This is a good thing, but it also means that there are so many companies manufacturing these lamps, it can make your head spin.

health & wellness

Top Health Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables

You’re eating your veggies, but are you eating the right ones? Huh? Bet you didn’t know that all veg isn’t created equal. Medical studies continue to prove that cruciferous vegetables give you more benefits for your buck than any other. In this post, I want to talk about the health benefits of cruciferous vegetables.

health & wellness

Top 10 Lactogenic Foods

There are so many variables with lactation, but one way we can all easily keep our milk production at a comfortable level - for both baby and mommy - is to eat lactogenic foods, foods that naturally increase breast milk.

health & wellness

Why Rebounding is Good for You

There are many health effects rebounding exercise has on the body. Here are some reasons you should consider adding a rebounder to your workout routine.

health & wellness

Top 10 Health Benefits of Cacao Nibs

Recent studies on the health benefits of chocolate have spread like wildfire. Go figure. I myself am a chocoholic! But what if I told you I found something related to chocolate that had even more health benefits? The cacao nib is a powerful superfood that beats out other superfoods by a landslide! Plus, they are way tasty!

health & wellness

What Are Fat Bombs? Plus, a Recipe

Fat bombs are homemade morsels made of a blend of high-fat, low carbohydrate foods. Healthy fats are important for multiple reasons!

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The Top 3 Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are a vital building block of using essential oils to create your own lovely skin care.

health & wellness

Why MSG is Bad and Why We Crave It

The debate about MSG can be confusing, at best, because those who have yet to be afflicted by the sensitivity it can cause, claim there’s nothing wrong with it.

health & wellness

What is Umami Flavor?

You may not have heard of umami, but it is actually one of the tastes that our tongues recognize, along with bitter, sour, sweet and salty. We love umami, which is a Japanese word meaning “savory,” even if we don’t know what it’s called. It is the oomph of flavor that comes from foods packed with protein.

health & wellness

7 Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

Carrots pack a powerful nutritional punch! They are loaded with all types of antioxidants and vitamins that our bodies crave. The nutrition carrots offer helps stave off illness, reduce the risk of major breakdowns in health and help return health when illness does occur.

health & wellness

The Health Benefits of Goji Berries

This bright-colored berry has become one of the superfoods that everyone is raving about, and it’s no wonder! Just check out the nutrition they pack into such a little package.

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Harmful Health Effects of Blue Light at Night

health & wellness

What is Oil Pulling and is it Healthy?

Oil pulling improves oral health by detoxifying the oral cavity, but it goes well beyond that! It improves the effectiveness of all of the systems of the body, helping to alleviate chronic illnesses that can be caused by poor oral hygiene.

health & wellness

10 Popular Foods Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

There is a lot of hype around omega-3 fatty acids. The body does not produce these, so we depend on outside sources for them.

health & wellness

Fermented Cod Liver Oil Like Great-Grandma Used to Take

My great-grandmother believed cod liver oil was the cure for whatever ailed you. I took great pains to avoid complaining of any illness or injury in her company, lest I have a spoonful shoved into my mouth. But now, I understand Granny was right.

health & wellness

How to Use Diatomaceous Earth For Health, Pests, and DIY

In a world of GMOs and toxic chemicals, a natural product like diatomaceous earth (DE) sounds too good to be true. Yet many people use this inexpensive, organic substance in hundreds of ways to increase health and wellness for themselves, their families, and their pets.

health & wellness

The Amazing Health Benefits of Activated Charcoal!

Activated charcoal has the ability to attract toxics and chemicals in the body so that they don’t enter the bloodstream at all. When our bodies absorb toxins, they build up and cause illness, disease and poison us.

health & wellness

Energy Work to Support Emotional Healing

Energy healing is a form of alternative or complementary therapy and the terms covers any modality which works with the energy circuits and fields in the body.

health & wellness

Is Sunscreen Healthy or Harmful? You Decide!

Is the need for sunscreen truly as urgent as they claim, or are the chemicals in popular sunscreen brands causing more harm than good? Is sunscreen healthy or harmful?

health & wellness

How to do a Detox Bath

When was the last time you took a nice, relaxing detox bath? Maybe never! Our busy lifestyles lend themselves to quick showers over soaking in the tub. But the benefits of detox baths shouldn’t be ignored.

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Infrared Sauna Health Benefits Explained (plus buying tips!)

health & wellness

Moringa Benefits: What is Moringa Oleifera?

This nutrition powerhouse is a fast-growing tree that originates from India, but can now be found all over Asia and subtropical locations. Every part of the tree can be used for its various healing properties.

health & wellness

How to Start a Health Routine (and stick to it!)

Creating a health routine allows you to have ownership and accountability over your health too. Take charge.

health & wellness

How Healthy is the Paleo Diet?

health & wellness

Collagen, Gelatin, and Vital Proteins

No doubt you know collagen is good for your skin. In fact, you may even have lotion with added collagen sitting on your bedside table. But did you know that collagen works wonders for your body in so many other ways?

health & wellness

The Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms

You may not want to toss your next salad with some reishi mushrooms (yeah, they are really bitter), but when you hear what all this little ‘shroom can do, you may decide to add it to your supplement regiment!

health & wellness

Is Bone Broth Healthy?

Is bone broth healthy? Yes! The health benefits of bone broth are so numerous it is considered a superfood. Many nutritionists recommend bone broth for causes as varied as leaky gut syndrome, poor digestion, joint pain, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, auto-immune diseases, and even cancer.

health & wellness

Is Olive Oil Healthy?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been proven to provide protection against many diseases. Scientists have studied the Mediterranean diet in hopes of determining why that region’s inhabitance have such low incidents of certain cancers and heart conditions that plague other places around the globe. They have found their answer: olive oil!

health & wellness

The Best Grain-Free Flours

health & wellness

Health Benefits of Using Infrared Saunas

When you hear the word “sauna,” you may visualize a ritzy day spa where the wealthy spend their luxurious days being pampered. When I say “sauna” though, I’m talking about an infrared sauna that has loads of health benefits, one of which is relaxation.

health & wellness

Is Coffee Healthy?

If you don’t want to give up your coffee in lieu of an alternative, you should do some research on various organic coffees available to find the safest one for you and your family.

health & wellness

Is Going Grain Free Healthy?

There is a difference between cutting out gluten and cutting out grains. They are different, although eliminating them can be done at the same time. When I say I eat grain free many people tell me they do too, but they eat oatmeal for breakfast and rice for dinner.

health & wellness

Lime And Salt – 5 Good Uses Of This Combination

health & wellness

How to Have a Healthy Halloween

Store-bought candy is loaded with calories and junk. I have done some research on nutritious, tasty foods, and non-food options! Make Halloween a healthier and more active holiday for children!

health & wellness

Processed Foods Hurt Your Immune System and Gut Health

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How Chilies Can Be Used to Treat Pain

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How To Heal Your Gut With Food

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How To Heal And Detoxify Your Liver

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Are Hospitals Making Us Sick? The Clear Liquid Diet

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Oil Pulling Craze: All-Purpose Remedy?

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Foods That Can Help Protect and Improve Your Eyesight

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What You See in the Toilet Can Give You Valuable Insights into Your Health

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Can Food Affect Your Mood?

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Does Your Diet Influence How Well You Sleep?

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7 Worst Ingredients in Food

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10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar is Bad For You

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Top 3 Reasons Why I Eat The Yolks

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The Devastating Effects of Adrenal Fatigue

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Are You Burning Toxic Candles?

Candles that smell like delicious treats may not be the best candles to burn in your home. They are toxic candles! They actually fill your room with chemicals while they are emitting their delicious fragrances!

health & wellness

How I do Regular Detoxification

I like to do regular detoxification protocols because I know how much my body needs it. Our livers are responsible for detoxifying our bodies, but they are way over-burdened right now. Doing a little detoxification just helps the body work more efficiently so it can carry on with business as usual.

health & wellness

Is Your Reflux From too Little Stomach Acid?

health & wellness

Why I do Coffee Enemas

After doing a coffee enema you feel a lift (and it's not from the caffeine). Good energy, better mood, optimized digestion, and detoxification!


Cold and Flu Fire Cider

When you're feeling under the weather, whip up a batch of this every flu season and opt out of the 'ol flu shot.

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How to Have a Healthy Holiday Season

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100+ DIY Remedies for Sick Season

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Build More Muscle by Lifting Less

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Preventing Mercury Toxicity After Amalgam Filling Removal

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Removing My Amalgam Fillings

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Why I had my Amalgam Fillings Removed

health & wellness

The Ultimate Sweat-It-Out Detox Bath

If you are in need of a good detoxification then you absolutely have to try this method. When I feel toxic, this is my go-to detox bath. It works because it causes you to sweat...and I mean SWEAT!

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Beach Body Ready!

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

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