The Ultimate Sweat-It-Out Detox Bath

If you are in need of a good detoxification then you absolutely have to try this method. When I feel toxic, this is my go-to detox bath. It works because it causes you to sweat…and I mean SWEAT!
Sweating is good for you for the following reasons:
- It helps your body eliminate salt (which causes excess bloating), alcohol and heavy metals
- It unclogs your pores and improves your skin tone
- It burns calories (woo-hoo!)
- It strengthens your immune system because when your body heats up it generates more white blood cells
- It relaxes your body and relieves stress by heating up the muscles
Okay, ready for the detox bath protocol?
The Ultimate Detox Bath
What you need:
- 2-3 Tbsp powdered ginger (the amount depends on how much heat you can handle) — where to find
- 1 coffee mug full of boiling water, allow it to cool just to the point of drinkability
- 1 bathtub full of hot water
- 3 cups epsom salts — where to find
- Run a tub full of hot water, enough to completely submerge yourself in up to your neck
- Add epsom salts to water
- While standing outside the tub, mix the ginger into the hot water and stir until well dissolved
- Now drink it as fast as you can and climb into the detox bath
- Lie very still and notice how the heat from the ginger warms you internally just as the hot bath water warms you up externally. Within a few minutes you will be sweating like crazy! The epsom salts help pull out the toxins as they are released.
- If you really want to crank it up a notch, try drinking this ginger drink before going into a sauna! Yowza, I love it!!!!
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Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.