Why Rebounding is Good for You | Real Food RN

Why Rebounding is Good for You

Why Rebounding is Good for You | Real Food RN | Rebounding Exercise

Rebounding exercise is becoming all the rage these days in the fitness world. It has been linked to a variety of health benefits, and is even backed by NASA! Astronauts used rebounding as a way to help rebuild bone mineralization and reverse osteoporosis. You can read the full study done in 1980 in the Journal of Applied Physiology here.

”Rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.” Source

NASA said, “…for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running, a finding that might help identify acceleration parameters needed for the design of remedial procedures to avert deconditioning in persons exposed to weightlessness.” Source

What is Rebounding?

You know those mini trampolines people bounce on? That’s rebounding. It was widely popular back in the 1980s and is making its comeback today.

While most types of exercises focus on one particular area of the body, rebounding works on every cell of the body in a special way and creates an increased G-force resistance, which strengthens your whole musculoskeletal system: bones, muscles, connective tissues, and organs.

When you’re jumping up and down, several things happen:

  • Your body accelerates as you bounce upward
  • A pause of weightlessness at the top
  • An increase in G-force as your body decelerates
  • Then you make contact with the rebounder

It is a very low impact exercise that is much easier on your joints and muscles than the solid ground. It also doesn’t wear you out as fast and helps to suppress harmful oxidative and adrenal stress.

The Health Benefits of Rebounding

There are many health effects rebounding exercise has on the body. Here are some reasons you should consider adding a rebounder to your workout routine:

Improves and detoxes your lymphatic system.

Your body flushes out all the toxins it accumulates, like poisons, cancerous cells, infectious viruses, and heavy metals, through the lymph system. Your lymph nodes are small glands that filter out fluid that circulates through the lymphatic system. Rebounding exercise helps this system function better by moving the body that keeps the flow moving efficiently and effectively. The glands are stimulated by the jumping and get rid of more toxins. 

Improves the endocrine and immune systems.

A healthy endocrine system relies on the body detoxing harmful toxins and chemicals. As we know that rebounding assists in improving detoxification, it also improves the endocrine system and keep hormones in balance. As for the immune system, it strengthens because the bouncing supports tissue repair and many immune cells grow in size and are able to fight off more bacteria, infections, viruses and even cancer cells. The more active these cells are, the better!

Supports the cardiovascular system.

As you jump, you are helping the circulation of the body and preventing from blood to pool, or gather, in the veins causing blood clots. This also helps lower blood pressure. As for the heart, you improve its tone and muscle quality by increasing the coordination of the fibers as it pumps blood out of the heart during each beat.

Helps with balance, posture, coordination and reaction time.

Through using your ocular nerves and inner ear canal, rebounding helps with eye/hand coordination because the body must react to each bounce and won’t always be prepared for certain directions. This strengthens your balance, posture, coordination and reaction time. If you’re a kinesthetic learner, someone who learns by moving and doing, then rebounding will improve your learning ability.

Tones your muscles and increase bone density.

As you bounce up and down, you are strengthening a variety of muscles throughout your body, such as your legs, arms, abdomen, and hips. You are also stimulating every cell through the increased G-force from jumping and assisting in increasing bone density and mass.

How to Start Rebounding Exercise

If you’re new to the rebounding exercise or suffer from adrenal fatigue or any other illness, you’ll want to take it slow. Try starting with very short intervals – jump for 2-5 minutes a day two or three times per day. Then work your way up to three or four 15-minute intervals so eventually you’re bouncing up to 45 to 60 minutes per day. Whew! That’s quite the workout!

If you’re not comfortable with letting yourself leave the trampoline, you can start out by just bending your knees and moving your body up and down without your feet leaving the rebounder.

Be sure not to wear too restrictive or tight clothing because you want to let your body move around to help your lymphatic system circulate and flush out the toxins. And it would be wise not to rebound right after you eat.

But most importantly, have fun with rebounding and enjoy trying out this new exercise. Your body will thank you! Go grab yourself a rebounder today, your lymphatic system will thank you!

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Why Rebounding is Good for You | Real Food RN | Rebounding Exercise

Hi, my name is Kate.

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