DIY Essential Oil Gift Ideas
I LOVE essential oils and I use them every single day! All of the cleaning supplies in my house have been replaced with homemade (non-toxic) cleaners made with essential oils. All of my personal care products have been replaced with homemade (non-toxic) versions using essential oils. I use them to keep my house smelling fresh, to keep my kids healthy, and to keep my spirits up.
There seems to be endless possibilities when using them! So, naturally I wanted to make some holiday gifts for my friends and family using my oils, to spread some cheer. Making holiday gifts also saves a ton of money! You can order so many of the ingredients online and then add the magic of essential oils. You will have amazing gifts to give to people that seem like they would have cost you a fortune. No-one will ever have to know that you made them for a fraction of the cost in your own kitchen!
I wanted to put together a short post sharing some of my favorite recipes so others can do the same. Nothing beats a homemade holiday gift, filled with the magic of essential oils! I rounded up a few of my favorite recipes from some of my favorite bloggers and essential oil team members to share with you here.
Note: I only use therapeutic grade essential oils in my recipes so I can feel confident in their purity. You can learn more about them HERE
I plan to buy some small baskets at my local good will and make beauty baskets filled with these items:
- Body butters made in cute jelly jars — like these
- Chapstick
- Lotion Bars
- Deodorant
I also plan to make cleaning baskets for a few members of the family as well, filled with:
- Bottles of cleaners — I reuse these glass jars and attach a spray nozzle
- Sponges, towels, and scrubbers
For the Skin:
- Whipped Body Butter by Just Enjoy Food
- Healing Body Butter Recipe by Torea Rodriguez FDN
- Silky Whipped Body Butter by Healing in Every Drop
- Antibacterial Moisturizing Lotion Bars by Real Food RN
- Acne Fighting Homemade Facial Scrub by Real Food RN
For the Beauty Routine:
- Homemade Lip Balm by Food Your Body Will Thank You For
- Peppermint Lip Balm by Healing in Every Drop
- Lavender & Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse by Food Your Body Will Thank You For
- Non-toxic Citrus Deodorant by Real Food RN
- Homemade Eye Makeup Remover with Lavender by Real Food RN
- Tea Tree Deodorant by Organic RN
- Frankincense Wrinkle Reducing Cream by Organic RN
- Honey Almond Facial Scrub by Rubies & Radishes
For Stress Relief:
- Peppermint Foot Soak by Five Spot Green Living
- DIY Essential Oil Pendant Diffuser Necklace (make these to wear your favorite oils all day long) by Real Food RN
- DIY Lavender Bath Foot Soak by Freshly Grown
For the Home:
- “Better Than Lysol” Spray by Real Food RN
- Calming Lavender Bedtime Linen Spray by Real Food RN
- Citrus Non-toxic Window Cleaner by Real Food RN
- Non-toxic Floor Cleaner by Organic RN
For the Kids:
- Non-toxic Bubbles by Food Your Body Will Thank You For
- Easy Non-toxic Bubble Bath Recipe by Real Food RN
Health & Wellness:
- Lavender and Eucalyptus Homemade Vaporub by Real Food RN
- All Natural Pain Relieving Salve by Real Food RN
- DIY Essential Oil Brushing Blend by Real Food RN
- Muscle Soreness Relief by Food Your Body Will Thank You For
How to Get Started with Essential Oils
- Sign up for my FREE 21-day essential oil email class, to learn the basics.
- Join my Real Food RN Essential Oils Facebook Group to connect with others and share tips and recipes for DIY, beauty, cleaning and much more.
- Find out how to buy essential oils at wholesale, 24% off retail prices (and get freebies from me!)
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Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.