Lavender Bedtime Linen Spray | Real Food RN

Lavender Bedtime Linen Spray

Calming Lavender Bedtime Linen Spray | Real Food RN

When I was in high-school there was a candle store in the mall that sold all kinds of highly scented stuff. My friends and I used to buy all the lotions, chapsticks, body washes, body sprays, candles, and linen sprays. Talk about toxic! I still have one of the linen sprays…I don’t use it anymore but I keep it around because the smell really takes me back. I love having a relaxing scent in my bedroom so I sometimes rub lavender essential oil behind my ears before bed to elicit it’s relaxation benefits. Then I decided that it might work really well as a linen spray on my sheets! 

Lavender Bedtime Linen Spray


  • 20 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 1 Tbsp isopropyl alcohol (you could even use vodka or everclear)
  • Distilled water
  • 4-ounce spray bottle — you can find some really cute bottles and jars HERE


  • Add lavender and alcohol to spray bottle, use water to top it off
  • Shake and use as needed on sheets at bedtime

Yawn! I hope you find this helps promote restful sleep. For more information on sleep optimization, check out my SLEEP POST.

Hi, my name is Kate.


  1. Hi Kate, thanks for sharing your post on Wildcrafting Wednesday! I make this too but use witch hazel instead of the rubbing alcohol and it can be used on the skin with no drying effect.

  2. I’ve just made your spray over the weekend… I love it! Don’t think I’ll buy the fancy store brand anymore. Thanks!

  3. I made this today and I just can’t get rid of the overwhelming alcohol smell. I can’t smell the lavender at all. Am I doing something wrong?

  4. Hello, I follow your emails and have been paging through your site. I absolutely LOVE lavender and I’m so excited to use your recipe for the bedtime spray. Just one question. I don’t understand why you would want to add alcohol to this mixture. At first I was concerned with it harming the goodness of the oils but mostly I’m concerned about spreading alcohol on anything. I try and study away from products that contain alcohol so what is the purpose for it in this mixture?

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