Uses for Valor Essential Oil | Real Food RN

Uses For Valor Essential Oil

Uses for Valor Essential Oil | Real Food RN

I am doing a series that tells all about the ten Everyday Essential Oils that come included with the Premium Starter Kit. Definitely the BEST way to get started with essential oils in your home or as a business. The kit includes 11 oils, a home diffuser, and tons of samples and information.  Click HERE to learn more about ordering this amazing starter kit! In this post I want to talk about Valor Essential Oil and how I use it personally in my home and for my health.

Uses for Valor Essential Oil:

  • Uplifts Mood: Rub onto wrists, back of neck, or behind your ears to help uplift your mood. Use it to greet each morning with a positive attitude or to unwind at the end of the day
  • Courage & Confidence: Rub onto wrists, back of neck, or behind your ears to help give you courage in stressful situations (hence the name of the oil)
  • Calming Environment: Diffuse in your house to help calm your mood and the moods of others in your home
  • Calm Children: Rub a drop on your child’s big toe before bed to help calm them down to go to sleep. Or, using  a carrier oil, you can massage it into the bottoms of your child’s feet
  • Tension: Rub some on your temples or on the back of your neck to relieve tension
  • Balance Energy: Apply to wrists, bottoms of your feet, or over your heart to help balance your energy. Valor is the first and most important oil used in the raindrop technique massage for this reason
  • Pick Me Up: Refresh throughout the day by directly inhaling or massaging onto your neck, chest, or hands and wrists.
  • Cologne: Wear Valor essential oil as a subtle cologne or use as a base for personalized scents.

*Note: to mix the oil with a carrier oil mix 2 parts carrier oil with 1 part essential oil. We commonly use this oil as a carrier oil.

How to Get Started with Essential Oils

How do you use Valor Essential Oil? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!

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Uses for Valor Essential Oil | Real Food RN

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None of these health benefits have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They should not be used in place of personal judgment or medical treatment when needed, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. (Only your doctor can diagnose and treat disease.) Read my full disclaimer.

Hi, my name is Kate.

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