Grandma’s Go-to Spray

Grandma's Go-to Spray

Everyone knows that Grandma knows best! That is exactly why I called this Grandma’s Go-to Spray! My grandma always made up her cleaners in different containers and she LOVED to find just the right cleaning trick! This post was written for my Granny Helen.  

A little bit more about why I chose to use Thieves: Thieves essential oil blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals they used while robbing the dead and dying. Young Living’s one-of-a-kind Thieves blend, crafted in the spirit of that legendary combination, can be found in all of our Thieves products.

What you need:
How to:
  • Add 50 to 100 drops of Thieves to 10 oz. of water
  • Mix in bottle and shake well before each use

Disclaimer: None of these health benefits have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

How to Get Started with Essential Oils

For more DIY non-toxic self-care and household recipes, check out my friend Heather’s book

DIY Organic Beauty Recipe

Hi, my name is Kate.

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  1. I need something that is not so “offensive” to my nose…..rosemary (and oregano) oils give me an instant migraine 🙁

  2. Kate, this isi cool! I took a Microbiology class in college and we used various cleaners on different types of bacteria, to see what they did. Lysol didn’t touch ANYTHING! E.coli lived through it, Strep, Staph, etc…..Lysol is worthless, in my opinion! Your spray is probably 100x better! 🙂 🙂

  3. Wow, thanks Sharin. That gave me so many ideas for cleaners to make for use in my house. Can’t wait to start experimenting even more 🙂

  4. cant find a glass bottle that a nozzle will fit on. if the nozzle and straw are plastic does this breakdown? if all i have is a plastic spray bottle will this work till i can find? afford to get or order one?

    1. You can use any container that you can find I guess…until you find a glass bottle. I re-use apple cider vinegar bottles. Pick up some Braggs apple cider vinegar, then reuse a nozzle from any old spray bottle you have.

    1. I don’t add one, if you read the other comments you can see that Sharin uses Everclear to suspend the oil longer

  5. Pingback: A Month to Remember: July 2013 - More Than Four Walls
    1. The Dollar Store has empty cleaning spray bottles, the sprayer top fits on the top of glass vinegar bottles, and some liquor bottles. You could also check with a bar or restaurant to see if they have any empty liquor bottles you could salvage.
      Another option for the sprayer top is a janitorial supply store, they sell nice heavy duty sprayers, I recently purchased a 360 spray top that sprays upside down as well as right side up to get under the toilet rim.

      1. Can you name some sprayers that fit? Does Amazon have any that fit the acv bottle?

        Where dI’d you get the upside down sprayer

  6. Pingback: Favorite Things from July | Our Heritage of Health
  7. I’m definitely going to give this one a try! I’m sharing it with my readers, too. I love the smell of rosemary!

  8. Pingback: How To Make A Natural Better Than Lysol Spray - Natural Solution Today
  9. Hi – LOVE your blog – thank you for ALL the GREAT info! I know if this were for a personal care product, it would be important not to use plastic. But …sorry for being dense – why would you feel this should be in glass, given it is not going on people – but on surfaces? I have older kids who help w/ cleaning, and glass would be a risk w/ them. Thanks!

    1. I just love using glass for everything. Plastic is absolutely fine if it’s a safety concern! I am sure when my kids start helping around the house I will go back to plastic for a while too 🙂

  10. This is not a positive help to everyone. My daughter is highly allergic to Rosemary! I am glad she would not find it in the hospital.

  11. Pingback: A Vinegar Free "Lysol" Household Cleaner - Naturally Persnickety Mom
  12. could you add alcohol to this mixture, as another form of antisceptic-ness? (either rubbing, isopropyl or even vodka?)

  13. Pingback: DIY Non-Toxic Disinfectant Spray | All Creative Home Ideas
  14. Pingback: Friday Happy Hour #47 - Oh Lardy!
  15. Great post. This week over on Wildcrafting Wednesdays we’re hosting a special Hygiene Edition and this post would be perfect in the carnival. I’d love it if you would pop over and share this post with our readers.

  16. Pingback: Non-toxic Spring Cleaning - Real Food RN
  17. Pingback: DIY Natural Disinfectant Spray
  18. Pingback: Naturally Loriel / Things I Love: July
  19. I made this tonight, after 2 days with a house full of toddlers. Potty training messes, runny noses, dirty and sticky little creatures everywhere. My house felt so dirty. I saw this post, made a 10 oz bottle (I added some vinegar, lemon & clove) and started cleaninglike crazy. I used the WHOLE bottle 🙂 My hubby loves the smell and eveverything seems so clean now. The finger prints on the mirrors and windows-instantly gone. And, it took little to no elbow grease which means it was quick. I'm a believer! Thanks for the amazing posts everyone!

  20. I've started making my own cleaning stuff too. I can send you a list of my concoctions if you want. 😀

  21. Pingback: DIY Essential Oil Gift Ideas - Real Food RN
  22. Pingback: 15 DIY Natural Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes For Your Home | Better Living
  23. Pingback: 42 DIY Recipes To Keep Your Home Naturally Clean
  24. Pingback: 57 Homemade, Non-Toxic Cleaning Products - Home for the win

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