Nourishing Homemade Chicken Feet Bone Broth

Nourishing Homemade Chicken Feet Bone Broth | Real Food RN

The first time I made this my husband thought that I had become certifiably insane! My grocer even looked at me a little funny when I ordered up some chicken feet with my usual bone and liver order. Well, maybe I am a little crazy….crazy like a fox!

Chicken feet make an awesome broth!!! These little buggers are full of nutrients and make a great gelatinous, gut healing, body warming broth. Plus, they are so inexpensive! Chicken feet bone broth is just too easy and healthy not to make it.

But wait, why am I using chicken feet again? Because they are one of the best ways to make a rich broth, and they full of glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, and trace minerals! Great for hair, nails, joints, and our digestive health! They are composed of connective tissue and joints after all. Chicken feet have even shown to help improve arthritis and have even been used to promote regeneration and healing in spinal cord injury (source). Read my post on the Health Benefits of Bone Broth for more information.

If you get your feet straight off the farm you will need to blanch and peel them first. But, if you get them from the store, they are typically prepared for you already.

Chicken Feet Bone Broth

Why am use chicken feet? Because they are one of the best ways to make a rich broth, and they full of  glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen and trace minerals! Great for hair, nails, joints, and our digestive health!
4.60 from 10 votes
Course Food



  • Place chicken feet in the crockpot.
  • Cover with filtered water until feet are submerged.
  • Add vinegar and salt (and herbs/vegetables if you are including these).
  • Put crockpot on high until it begins to bubble, then turn down to low and leave it to cook overnight.
  • Ideally, let it cook for 24 hours or longer.
  • Skim off any scum that forms on top.
  • Strain feet from the broth using a metal strainer.

  • Put broth into a glass jar and store in the fridge.

  • Either reheat and drink as a broth, use in soups, or just take a spoonful every morning for its health-giving benefits! It will most likely gel in the fridge. I take a scoop of the gel every morning.
Keyword bone broth, chicken bone broth, chicken feet bone broth, homemade bone broth

Email testimonial that I just had to share: “I had to send you one last email. I succeeded with producing a fabulous chicken feet jelly. What is even better is how my dog adores it. I cook for him. his fresh cooked meals are composed of a protein, veg/fruit, starch. I used to add a beef bone broth which provided him with added nutrients my vet recommended. But, my Angelo never licked his plates clean as he does now with the chicken feet broth. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and charm. ~ Regina”

Better go feed some to your pets too! They really get a nice shiny coat from this stuff!

Just check out the gel jiggle on this broth in the video below!


Now THAT is bone broth gel! ??

A video posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀R E A L F O O D R N (@realfoodrn) on

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Nourishing Homemade Chicken Feet Bone Broth | Real Food RN

I have gotten many emails and questions about ordering bone broth online! I finally found a resource for that and wanted to include it here: “Kettle and Fire” CLICK HERE

For more information on making your own Traditional Foods at home, I highly suggest picking up a copy of Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon (click the image below to check it out for yourself)

Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 6.57.09 AM

Hi, my name is Kate.

4.60 from 10 votes (10 ratings without comment)

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  1. I saw you briefly mentioned this, but do you worry about the feet being dirty at all? My family is terrified to chicken feet because they think they are super unsanitary.

    1. When you blanch and peel them it removes the dirt and bacteria. Then further cooking them for 24 hours should wipe out anything that might have been left over from preparing them. I am confident that they are very sanitary. They just look super gross 😛

      1. Hi, My daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 3 months pregnant. Baby is fine but it has now spread to her liver and bones. She has had low platelets because of the chemo, (6th one), which we are not sure is working, so I was wondering if I COULD Pay you to make some for my daughter. I heard Rooster feet are the best, she lives in MIAMI, MAYBE YOU COULD EVEN RECOMMEND A place. Im just very squishmish so I dont think I COULD DO it. Please let me know if this is possible for you. Thank you, Renee Levine 561-859-9015 thanks god bless!

        1. My heart reaches out to hold your family, as you are doing everything in & out of your power to catch a miracle for your daughter, & her baby. What a WONDERFUL mother you are to her, & I’m sure your strength of support & protection have been incredibly appreciated. Come hell or high water, you better roll up your sleeves, & get your hands wrist deep in rooster feet, though! What wouldn’t you do, if you believe it could help… just dump the bag upside down in the pot & pour on the water (COLD water, ULTRA-FILTERED, reverse-osmosis if you have access to it, otherwise the PUREST/CLEANEST water you have access to). Just enough water to submerge the feet. NEXT, add in 1 tbsp of org. apple cider vinegar, if only doing the rooster feet– (IF you decide to go big & make a bone broth from a whole chicken carcass, for example, I would use 2 tbsp vinegar) *NOW, leave it to soak for 30 mins in the vinegar water, which maximizes the release of the healing benefits. (Personally, I would also throw in the cartilage, the best bones from every damn organic pasture-raised gmo-free bird in your neighborhood, & even beef bones, which might be even better for your daughter’s condition– if using raw bones, put them in a roasting pan w/ a splash of vinegar, fresh herbs, diced onion, 2 tbsp broth, a spoonful of bullion, & garlic & then roast it at 350 for 40-50 mins, BEFORE dumping the pans upside down into your big pot, at which point you’d then start the soak in vinegar & water) After 30 mins., toss in an onion or 2 (quartered), 10-15 garlic cloves (quartered) & personally, I use mostly bone broth vs. water, to fill the pot after all the veggies & herbs have been added to the pot, & I only fill up til submerged 1-2 inches above the line of the bones. Bring to a tiny boil, then cut the heat to low & cover, check every 20 mins to an hour for the 1st 2 hrs., to skim off foam or scum, then at 2 hrs in, carefully pull out any bones with meat still attached, & shred the meat either into trash can if non-edible, or save on the side for soup later. But return the stripped bones & cartilage back into the pot (keep covered during this step, so nothing is evaporated & the temp stays steady on the stovetop). Simmer (NEVER boil) for 24 hrs. LOW. Add a tbsp of water every few hrs., & add 2 tbsp water if leaving it overnight. Check immediately in morning, or at 12 hrs., to be sure the soup isn’t rolling in a boil. should see oily gelatinous thick golden layer floating at surface (clear-golden, NOT scum) & THIS is the elixir that will bring your girl’s health back. I wish you all the luck & miracles in this world. BE THE LIGHT.

        2. I am so sorry. My husband has a rare brain cancer and mainstream medicine has no cure. We have 2 little girls and I refused to give up. I tried to raise enough on gp gund me but couldn’t. Please don’t give up, other countries are ahead of us. We’re working with a holistic healer. He stopped chemo in 2017 since not curative or palliative.

          I first learned about chicken feet when we rescued a puppy 3 vets said wouldn’t survive. Please make sure you biy from a clean source, you need pastured chickens. Will be much more potent than anything you can buy. I do now feed to my family despite having our own chickens which made harder. I GAG ENTIRE TIME but as a mom I also gag other times. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say here the name of our healer but I will make sure to review her book on Amazon so you can find her. Please don’t let drs tell you to give up. If I had my husband wouldn’t be here now. I know it’s gross, I can’t even eat meat if I cooked it recently but your daughter is worth it even if you need a trash can just in case. I pour into strainer to a second pot to get rid of most looking as little as possible.

          I go back and fine strain it. An extra step but helps me gag less. Please find a holistic healer to help her fight. I will add your family to my prayers.
          God Bless, Kim Lund

      2. I have always thrown in pot frozen. I gag. Mine aren’t inexpensive though. I am about to make a pot and saw by accident.

        I pay $5 for a 4 pack of pastured feet.

        Is cooking without peeling dangerous? I never heard of doing that and have Nourishing Traditions. I thought that the skin is important to include.

        I am worried about cooking in my crock pot bc afraid of leaching especially with vinigar. I also worry about my glasstop stove overnight so am afraid of messing up on several levels. I try to improve every time, would appreciate if you are able to clarify the peeling.

        Thank you.

      3. I have been preparing chicken feet broth for over forty years and not once have I ever peeled the skin off them. I cannot imagine doing so. It cannot be believed that the rest of the chicken you buy is sanitized. The chicken feet are at least as clean as your hands. Of course, I wash all the pieces. The skin on the feet of the product is yellow mostly and imparts a yellow color to the broth. It cooks long enough to kill bacteria. I think it’s nuts

    2. Also if you buy them from a supermarket you will see they are already cleaned…. i do a full inspection of them and they are always in perfect condition…even the nails are clean as a whistle…. then i rinse them under running water and throw them in the crock pot to make bone broth… its really worth it!

      1. I jus started a batch of ChicKen Paws, LoL that’s what the grocery stores here in NV have them labeled as, they were clean as a whistle, I to rinsed them again, I cut up carrots, celery, onion, garlic, put all ingriedients in a large stock pot, brought to a boil, then on simmer for the next 72 hrs. My first time to maKe bone broth, I read all the health benefits from Chicken Feet Bone Broth and just had to try!!!

  2. I process my own broilers and love putting the chicken feet into my stock. I use every part of the chicken except the head, even though some people use them I can’t. The health benefits are amazing.

    1. Kathy, that is great! It’s so wonderful to use as much of the animal as possible. They really do make the most amazing broth!

  3. In Thailand we eat chicken feet all the time. We (My family) cook them in Green curry with pork blood jelly, lots of Thai basil and Thai egg plants and eat with Thai Vermicelli noodle. It’s one of my favorite dishes my family would make. It’s super delicious and I’m glad you gave it a try. 🙂 Here is the picture of how it looks like.

    Thanks again for your post about Tumeric milk. I made it last night with coconut milk, honey, sunflower oil, sesame oil and coconut oil and my family slept so well. Dr. Arjan’s video is very informative also. <3

  4. Oh yes! Kate, I’d love to share a recipe! I’m not very good at writing a recipe. This is not exactly what my mom used to make but it’s what I would make. She never measures her ingredients and everything she makes from scratch including coconut milk! 😉 It works with any kind of meat or any part of chicken. I used to cook this using chicken liver. Yum! hehehe
    300 g Chicken (meat or feet) I normally add a little more cause I love chicken feet!
    1/2 – 1 cube Chicken or pork blood jelly
    60-70 g Green curry paste
    2 boxes of 250 ml Coconut milk
    2 cups water (optional, sometimes I add 1 cup or not at all. It depends on how thick and creamy you want your curry to be)
    7-9 Thai round egg plants
    1/4-1/3 cups Thai pea eggplants (optional but preferable)
    1 cup Thai basil
    6-7 Kefir lime leaves
    2-3 yellow pepper
    5-6 red pepper
    Fish sauce to taste
    Palm sugar to taste

    Precook chicken feet until tender. (Boil in water works for me) If you use other part or other kind of meat you can use raw.

    Cook half of coconut milk and green curry paste in medium high heat 3 mins until you can smell curry paste. Add chicken mean/feet until slightly cooked. Add the remaining coconut milk and reduce heat to medium. Bring to a boil. Add fish sauce and palm sugar. I would do 3Tbs fish sauce and 2Tbs palm sugar. Add eggplants and bring to boil again. Add peppers, kefir lime leaves, basil, water, and blood jelly. Bring it to boil until blood jelly is done. Enjoy. 🙂

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write this up!!! I am so in love with Thai food. This sounds like one of my favorite Thai soups. I can’t wait to make this up. Thanks so much!!!

  5. You are so welcome, Kate! I love Thai food, too! 😀 I am thinking of posting this page on my Facebook to share our chicken feet recipes also. I love your recipes and you always have cool, healthy ideas. I’d love to learn how to ferment food like making pickle or kombucha or sauerkraut. I guess I will just explore more into your website. If you have any suggestion, please let me know. I have just visited you a couple of times but I’m really loving it. Thank YOU, also. ^_^

    1. Fai, I actually got a recipe from a co-worker of mine yesterday who is from India, for her Grandma’s lime pickles.They sound amazing and once I have them mastered, I will be posting the recipe. I also need to post how I make my sauerkraut! Here is my most recent kombucha recipe:

      Thanks again, I can’t wait to try your recipe!

  6. Hi kate, chicken feet is quite a normal ingredient in chinese soups and is also a classic dim sum dish on its own.

    In chinese cooking the tips or the claws of the feet r trimmed off. You can use kitchen shears or just chop them off. It makes them a little less gross looking I think… and safer to eat for those who do!

    Usually shelled raw peanuts and dried red dates… and sometimes peeled sliced lotus roots, carrots or radish also feature. It all makes for very soothing and nutritious soups.

  7. Pingback: Are Hospitals Making Us Sick? The Clear Liquid Diet - Real Food RN
  8. We just butchered a bunch of chickens today and I've kept all the feet. I'm really looking forward to making this recipe with them. Thank you!

  9. What does turning it on high to boiling do? I forgot to do this step, it just went on low, and I'm hoping I didn't ruin the whole batch. I've never made bone broth before.

  10. How do you clean the chicken feet? I am too lazy to blanch and all that and also novice cook and work full time so I think that would be too much work for me. Plus I was a vegetarian for nearly 20 years and my mom was a terrible cook so I have to learn all of this stuff from interesting people like YOU! So I wanted to make a tasty, nutritious slow cooker broth…so turned to Internet Mom…LOL….

    I was thinking of rinsing off the chicken feet then putting them in the slow cooker in some cheesecloth and before I found this web site I was going to follow the recipe in Not Your Mothers Slow Cooker which just says to use bones, not feet, but I don’t have any bones but my local grocery store just happens to sell feet. But maybe I will follow your recipe instead. The other recipe adds some rosemary & thyme which seems nice too…

    I really like the photos you added.

    1. I get them from my co-op already cleaned. You can try a google search on how to clean them. Let me know what you find out 🙂

  11. Pingback: 125+ Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Recipes | Divine Health
  12. Pingback: Super Nutritious Chicken Broth |
  13. Pingback: Highly Nutritious Chicken Broth |
  14. Pingback: Stem Cell Therapy or Chicken Feet? | Seraphicinsights
  15. Pingback: Is Bone Broth Healthy?
  16. Hi Kate!
    A mutual friend we have told me about your blog and I love it!! I’m wondering if you can give me tips on where to order bones & chicken feet for broth? I make my own stock, but just use organic chicken bones from a whole chicken I roast. Do I go to a butcher to purchase these? We just moved from the twin cities to Milwaukee so I’m trying to figure out where to start……thank you!

    1. Awesome that you are local Bethany! I get my bones at Lakewinds co-op. There are several in the Metro area, but we go to the Minnetonka location.

  17. I buy my chicken feet from Whole Foods. They are frozen and packaged. They appear clean, but do I need to remove the skin? I’ve read that the only reason to remove the skin is for hygiene and because the skin will give the broth an “off” taste. I have just been throwing the frozen chicken feet with the skin on them into the slow cooker along with the rest of the carcass and so far I haven’t noticed any “off” taste.
    Do I need to remove the skin, or am I good to go?

    1. Hi Wade,
      My chicken feet come packaged the same way and I do not remove the skin. It’s too much work and I haven’t found a convincing reason why I need to. Carry on 🙂

  18. Does anyone know if the chicken feet broth can be canned in a water bath or by using a pressure cooker as other broths are? This seems like too good of a thing to do in small batches!

  19. I just bought some chicken feet to try! I heard of all the wonderful nutrients they have and how beneficial it is for the skin/hair and to drink during intermittent fasting to preserve your muscles. My face has been breaking out really badly and I can’t figure out why so thought the nutrients could help. I purchased some gelatin powder (which doesn’t seem to be helping with my skin and gives me a headache), but wanted to stay as natural as I possibly could with my diet due to some health issues while taking supplements. These chicken feet I purchased aren’t frozen, but were in the refrigerated raw meat section with the chicken. They appear pinkish like they were soaked or bleached but still have a scaley texture to the skin. Does this part need to be removed? Or can I just toss them in my crock pot? Someone suggested clipping the nails to release more nutrients in the broth without actually peeling them. Just confused on what everyone keeps saying you need to peel and if this pinkish skin is okay to cook as is. It’s my first time! Lol also, I unfortunately couldn’t find organic/hormone free/grass feed chicken feet as I live in a small town :(, so since it’s not stated, hopefully it’s still a clean source and I will still reap the benefits without any side effects of harsh chemicals.

    1. They are usually cleaned if you buy them packaged at the store, but if you can peel off a layer then peel them. Hope you like the broth!

  20. Woops I didn’t mean ***grass fed, thats cows!!! I’m thinking of my beef gelatin powder LOL. But I couldn’t find a safe source of chicken like organic or homone, antibiotic free I think it’s called, not sure. Hopefully it still tastes okay and is still nourishing!

  21. Thank you, I made it for the first time almost 3 days ago! It didn’t taste bad at all. However, the batch I made never turned into a jelly in the fridge, so I hope it still has a lot of collagen and nutrients in it. I used 10 chicken feet and about 3 quarts of water. Perhaps I used too much water, or not enough chicken feet for the amount of water. Much of the meat didn’t melt off the feet either. Should I maybe have used more than 2 tbsp of vinegar? Or did I have to cook it higher/lower? I cooked it on high for 2 hours then reduced to low for 24 hours in a slow cooker. I’m trying to achieve the jelly texture next time as I know it will be full of nutrients and collagen then :). I’m not too sure about this batch’s nutrients as it’s pure liquid even in the fridge.

    1. I have been making bone broth for my dogs for several years. I use both chicken feet as well as any other bones I can find. I often add a few beef bones to the chicken feet. When I first started, I made a couple of batches that did not ever turn to a “jello-Like” substance, remaining liquid. I found that when this happened, I had not added enough raw apple vinegar. I doubled the amount to about 6 tablespoons and also add a couple of table spoons of pure lemon juice, Since I started doing that, every batch is very much jello consistency. Make sure the vinegar is Raw Apple Vinegar too. Russ Knight

      1. Russ, I use Bragg apple cider vinegar and my bone broth does not jell up like jelly. I put a quarter cup in mine. Maybe I will put a couple tablespoons of lemon juice also.

  22. My background is Jewish with Hungarian and Polish roots, where they have been using the chicken feet for a thousand years in their cuisine.

    I made chicken paprikash with chicken feet for the first time in my life.

    Once I allowed myself to eat the feet… oh my gosh.

    I have never had anything so delicious in my life.

    Of course I’m using schmaltz in my cooking, which takes everything to a while new level, but the feet?


    I am so glad it’s healthy for me, too!

    My new go to food for future chicken soups and everything chicken from now on.

    Thanks for your article!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the article Elie! I too have Polish roots 🙂 I don’t know if I am ready to eat the feet yet, but good to know that they are tasty!

  23. I loved your article on Bone Broth with chicken feet. When I started making my own Bone Broth last year, I only used necks & the carcass of a roasted chicken or turkey. I asked my local meat market about chicken feet. They don’t carry them, but they placed an order for me through the distributor. They come in 10lb bags, frozen, & I have to order a minimum of 40lbs. What a difference chicken feet make in the broth. The flavor is wonderful & when cooled, its very gelatinous. I make several gallons at a time & freeze it, since I drink it for breakfast & dinner.

  24. Before cooking your chicken foot broth. Soak the chicken feet in a little flour and vinegar solution. Rinse, then start your broth.

  25. Nice article and very informative as well. What about the effect on joint pains? Has anyone tried taking it for joint pains? Would you care to share how long it took to relieve the pain? Thanks

  26. Hi Kate,
    I came across your blog last month while researching the usage of gelatin to reduce joint pains for my mom and bookmarked it. It took me more than a week to get over the initial yucky feeling of the gross looking chicken feet to try out the recipe. I finaly did it and it has turned out quite tasty althought it did not turn into jelly. Served it to mom with a squeeze of lime and pepper and she liked it a lot. Too early to comment on its effect on her joint pains. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  27. Just an update, i clipped off the nails from the feet and then dumped them all in boiling water for 1 minute and transferred it to icy water,to pull off the yellow creepy skin before using ot for broth. A bit time consuming, but i just couldn’t handle the look of it and without the nails and skin it ended up looking more like any chicken bone piece (at least it gave that illusion) hahah

  28. I make it just as you illustrated. However, besides carrots, onions and spices, I buy chicken necks and bone-in drum sticks and they all go into the pot. When finished cooking, I remove the chunks of chicken and dice them to have with the ‘hot broth’. It seems the jelly is more concentrated.

  29. Hi Kate,
    I did the bone broth with chx feet. After the bones got soft I started cutting them so the marrow could get out then decided to throw it all in the total nutrition center & grind them up. That worked great but I may have pureed them too much. I put that all back into the broth in the crock pot & finished cooking the 24 hrs. Then I strained it & had the best gel ever. Not much strained out since I may have over ground them.
    But is it okay to consume the bones that way?
    Also, is it good to put the liver & gizzards in the broth?
    Thanks so much…..fellow RN with a fracture & now wanting the additional nutrition from this broth!!

    1. Hmm, I have never pureed the bones before so I can’t speak to that one. You can certainly add the liver for more nutrition!

  30. Take a look at chicken fricassee recipes.
    It’s Hungarian Jewish classic food.
    They cook necks, feet, gizzards, and liver together.
    Come to my house for some homemade schmaltz.

  31. I feed raw chicken feet to all 4 of my dogs all the time. They are full of glucosamine and chondrotin, a wonderful treat packed full of vitamins for my furry friends!

  32. Hi Kate,
    Thank you for sharing this knowledge.
    Could you also note how much is the weigh of the 10 pieces of chicken feet & how much is the volume of water used to cook them?

    1. It will work with tap water, its just that tap water is often full of non-desirable things like fluoride, chlorine, medications, and heavy metals

  33. Hello. I want to purchase chicken paws every month, the volume of 1000 tons . I will be glad to work with you. Alexey is sincerely grateful to you, yours faithfully!

  34. I love the chicken feet broth. I’ve been using it to keep my joints lubricated. I also eat the feet so as not to waste then. I skewer the feet when they cool down and slather them in BBQ sauce (Buffalo also works well) and crisp them up on the grill. There’s a lot of little bones in the toes, but that little “fat pad” on the foot is tasty. Almost like having chicken wings, but healthier. If I am going to grill them, I just don’t cook them so long in just enough water to cover–maybe 45 minutes to make them tender. My broth is still gelatinous and tasty. Cooking them for less time keeps them from falling apart on the grill.

  35. I love this broth, it’s my 7 month old’s first food, and my toddler loves it! (they don’t know it’s chicken feet)!
    Anyway, quick question: I forgot to add the vinegar until the last 3 hours…did that lessen or ruin the nutrient value?
    Also, really glad to hear it’s good in the fridge for a couple of weeks…that helps a LOT!
    Thanks for all your valuable info!!

  36. Pingback: 15 Nourishing Paleo Bone Broth Recipes
  37. I feel my first try at chix feet broth was a success! cooked 24 hrs then after removing feet, reduced the broth WAY down. After straining and pouring into glass bowl into the frig, I can cut it into little cubes to just nibble on, as is. Or toss a few cubes into my morning stir fry. You can get over the gross factor, when you know how good it is for you!

  38. Thanks for sharing this, though this was kind of not the usual ingredient, I’d still like to try. I’m so busy which is why I tried Au Bon Broth. It’s surprisingly tasty and it really improved my health.

  39. How much vinegar and salt does anyone add? I’m just putting a dash of each into my first trial…

  40. I was wondering if it’s ok to buy chicken feet from a regular grocery store knowing that they are GMO chicken. My reasoning was that even though they are corn fed and raised in bad condition that it would not affect the meat of the feet that much. I love to make stock but the farmer I know charge too much for a pound of feet.
    Interested to know people’s opinion on that.

  41. Thank You for your easy recipe. I just put it up. Cant wait until tomorrow. I was just diagnosed with osteopenia and one spot osteoporosis. This will help.

  42. Thank You Thank You Thank You … my Miniature Schnauzer and I (ahem cough cough) have aging bones. I was making beef bone broth for us, but know that my grandma would buy fresh killed chickens and use every part in her soup and meals.
    When I found your recipe, thanks to my daughter suggesting natural glucosomine and chondroiton using chicken feet, I was very happy.

  43. Hi Kate. Thanks for sharing the recipe! I have a question. I find every time I make the broth on the stove it gets cloudy? I just get it to a boil and then put it on low with a lite rolling boil. am I doing something wrong? How do you prevent it from becoming cloudy?

  44. How long will the broth keep in the fridge? Can I freeze the broth & how long will it keep? How many calories are in this broth made plain with no veges?

  45. Pingback: All about bone broth?? | The Sizzlin and Livin Mamma
  46. Pingback: Another Frugal Mistake? – The Frugal Writer
  47. Please answer fast!!! I bought farm fresh chicken get and cut the tip of the toes off to get rid of the nails. I used a new pruning shear from a garden department. I washed the feet well, but did not peel the skin off. I cooked them last night for 3 hours, then turned off the stove and let them sit until this morning.,the pot is still warm to the touch. I need the broth to get desperately! If I peel them now, can I put them back in the broth and continue cooking for the remainder of the 24 hours, or could the bacteria from the skin make me sick? I have several illnesses and can’t affird to get sick, as it would probably put me in the hospital. Please let me know. I appreciate anything you can tell me! ?

    1. If the broth was only warm it could have encouraged bacterial growth. You could try boiling the feet in really hot boiling water first, dropping them into already boiling water. Then cooking them to make broth.

  48. Have you ever roasted the chicken feet first and then made broth? I am looking for richer flavor.

    1. I have not roasted the feet, but I have roasted bones to make a richer flavor. Give it a try and let me know how it goes! 🙂

  49. Hello Kate,
    After cooking the 24 hours do you separate the flesh from bones and then purée the flesh with the broth?

  50. Hello Kate
    After cooking for 24 hours, does one separate the flesh from bones and then purée the flesh with the broth?

  51. I have a pot of broth going right now, I roasted 2# of feet, with carrots and celery.roasted for one hour. It looks very good, and smells better than plain boiled feet.. I make one pot of broth a week, either chicken paws, beef bo, or pork. So fark, I like pork the best. I m going to do pork trotters next week

  52. If you’re processing your own chickens and harvested the feet, it will still have the deep yellow skin. That outer skin has to be peeled off by blanching then peeling.
    If you bought your feet from a grocer and the outer skin looks pale, then no need to peel the feet (almost impossible to do anyway); it cannot be sold with the yellow outer skin still on.
    Please try to get organic bones and feet to make broths for your health.
    Broths have healed my gut, and joint pains from inflammation and gout, repaired my skin, nails, and hair. I feel great again and continue to consume it regularly.

  53. I just put a pot on last night of my 1st batch, I like dog nail rounded clippers to cut the nail and bone off at the tips. I also threw 3 carcasses in there, onion, carrot, celery, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Hopping it will help knock out everyone’s cold and they were from my home grown chickens and feel they deserve me to throw as little away as possible.

    WATER WATER WATER at least 2 qts a day with 1/8 to 1/4 baking SODA AND LEMON JUICE in each quart
    2 tb QUARK (or ricotta cheese) and 1 tb flax or chia oil
    start with this and work up to 6tb oil to 12 tb cheese (budwig diet)

  55. I have a lab who has a bad hip when it 1st started last winter it was horrific. We had to stop long walks. 3 steps he had to navigate was really hard for him but i had to get him out to do his bussiness and walk him around some to keep his muscles fit. I research for the best way to get glucosamine….chicken feet!!! Both my dogs love them they get 2 every other day. It has helped Digger tremendously. He is 85% back to his old self, running, walking and even stairs. I can tell he has some discomfort at times and if there is snow on the ground when temps reach -4 he starts limping I stop the walks till temps rise. They eat the nails and all as per what i researched. Another bonus it cleans their teeth…no more discolor around the gums,

  56. Please help. My chicken feet broth taste horrible. I assumed it would taste closer to chicken broth. I used another recipe for instant pot. Cooked on soup high pressure 2 hours and then 2 hours again then slow cook over night to get all the nutrients. Put onion and garlic and apple cider vinegar with salt. I put it in with my soups and i want to gag. Please help.

  57. I read you need to boil the feet for 5 minutes … and Rinse … first.
    After the preboil and rinse … then you can proceed to cook for hours

  58. I have been battling a fungal infection on my legs, a little below the knees and down past my ankles. I have seen several doctors, allopath, alternative medicine, Eastern medicine. Many thousands of dollars later, the improvement was at best, minimal! Was reading once again about the benefits of bone broth, and since I had just completed a batch for the purpose of making soup, gave it a try. Within 18 hours I experienced a dramatic difference. Legs were no longer discharging an orange fluid, but clear in color and odor almost completely cleared. Pain is greatly reduced and beginning to have a normal sleep pattern! Thanks so much for all of the wonderful useful, healthful information. Today’s info has inspired me to share with my kitties!
    p.s. My local source, Burgundy Beef, Ft. Worth, Tx, sells feet as well as the carcass after stripping away the boneless, skinless portions of the chick. I use those and any left over bones from a meal.

  59. Hi,
    Very interesting to read all the comments!! Now one question! I have a Instant Pot and wondering if there is any benefit to do first for 10-20 mins and than slow cook low on stove.
    What say you Kate? Thank you for your help for everyone and me.

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