Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub

Strawberries are so delicious that I could eat them by the crate full. But, then you end up with five crates full at prime strawberry picking season and panic about what to do with them!

I freeze most of them, turn some into chia jam, and I have added them to my recipe collection: Kombucha Strawberry Shrub. It’s super easy to make and so delicious. I only had a small amount of vinegar on hand when I made the recipe, so I improvised with some homemade kombucha, and it turned out awesome! 

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub

When you have too many strawberries and don't know what to do with them, make this delicious Kombucha Strawberry Shrub. It's super easy to make and so delicious.



1. In a large mixing bowl, mash those berries up! I use a potato masher because that's what my grandma would have done!

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN

2. Combine the berries and the sugar in a bowl.

3. Cover the bowl and place it in the fridge overnight.

4. In the morning, strain the berries through a mesh strainer. Really work them because the liquid will be syrupy and the more you mash them with that spatula, the more juice you get.

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN

5. Save the berries for a delicious treat.

6. Pour the sweetened strawberry juice into a mason jar and pour in the vinegar and kombucha.

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN

7. Put back into the fridge and allow to sit for 2-3 days.

8. Serve strawberry shrub with your favorite beverage: sparkling water or mixed drinks. Whatever suits your fancy!

Kombucha Strawberry Shrub Recipe | Real Food RN


Learn how to make your own kombucha here.

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Kombucha Strawberry Shrub | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.

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