40 Easy Paleo Appetizers for the Holidays
So you decided to try your best to eat healthy. Then the holidays happened and you caved and had a treat at a holiday party. That treat led to eating the entire tray worth of appetizers. Am I right? You waved the white flag of defeat and decided that this healthy eating thing would not work during the holidays. Every party became another chance to eat the forbidden fruit and over the course of a month your pants simply didn’t fit anymore.
Does this sound familiar?
I know I have had this experience in the past. Once you start eating the junk, it can be a slippery slope! But it doesn’t have to be this way. Nope. You can bring healthy appetizers to your holiday parties, that taste just as good as everyone else’s party fare. With these recipes, you do not have to feel guilty for indulging. Enjoy the holidays and stay on track with healthy eating too! Easy Paleo appetizers!
I used to make all my appetizers from this cookbook, now I find that the easy paleo appetizers listed below are just as delicious and without any gluten or added unhealthy ingredients!
I know I needed this list to refer to for all of the holiday parties that we go to. Now there cannot be any excuses, because this list is full of amazing recipes! This list of recipes have been grouped into categories, so if you are craving a certain kind of treat, you’ll be able to zip to that section. Bonus: you can make sure that your kids are eating good food at parties this way too!
Easy Paleo Appetizers for the Holidays
(Click on the photo to get the recipe)
Bacon-Wrapped Appetizers:
Finger Foods:
Bite-Size Appetizers:
Stuffed Appetizers:
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Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.