Easy Homemade Beef Jerky
One of my favorite foods to have on hand is beef jerky. My kids love it, my husband loves it, and it’s EASY! Plus, it’s portable — you can throw a bag in your purse or bag, and then you are never without a healthy snack option. Great for camping, traveling, or for those days when you are out running errands for a while.
Of course, the stuff you buy in the stores not only contains a bunch of junk ingredients, but it is downright expensive! I have found a way to make it at a cheaper price point and without all the added MSG and whatever else. We make this every other week and each batch lasts about two weeks! No, this will not take you hours to make either, this is easy homemade beef jerky!

Easy Homemade Beef Jerky
- Grass-fed beef sliced to your desired thickness (we use Butcher Box meat)
- Apple cider vinegar
- Molasses
- Worcestershire sauce
- Tamari gluten-free
- The amounts are depending on your flavor preference (I would say approximately 1/2 cup ACV, 1/8 cup tamari, and fill in the holes with the rest).
- Make sure your meat is submerged in liquid, if not then add some more ACV.
- Cover jar and place in the fridge for 8-24 hours.
- Then remove from jar and place on a dryer sheet from your food dehydrator.
- If you desire, add some cracked pepper or sea salt on top.
- Dehydrate according to the temperature instructions specific to your dehydrator.
- Check doneness by picking up a piece and checking the underside, if it is still pink or grey (meaning it’s not done) then flip the pieces and continue to dehydrate until they look like beef jerky. Test a piece by eating it after you think it looks done.
- That’s it! Easy peasy! This will last for a few weeks in Ziploc bag in the fridge.
Watch my video below where I show you how I personally make my beef jerky in my kitchen
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Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.