Necessary Baby Items You Can Get Delivered to Your Door | Real Food RN

Necessary Baby Items You Can Get Delivered to Your Door

Necessary Baby Items You Can Get Delivered to Your Door | Real Food RN

Every baby has a long list of essentials for their daily care. Ordinarily, you might look forward to running a few errands to break up your mommy routine. However, the current coronavirus pandemic has made it unsafe for you and your baby’s health to shop for baby items. No worries! Most necessary baby items are available for convenient delivery to your door.

First, I want to mention that there is no need to hoard items. We’re all in this together and stockpiling more than you need might leave another mom and baby without their basic needs met. Most retailers are limiting quantities of high-demand items anyway.

Simply start by planning a list of necessary baby items you’ll need for a one-month supply. Most online retailers are running out of items quickly, so make sure to order ahead so you don’t get caught in the lurch. Setting up an auto-ship account on your favorite online stores will help you get first dibs on incoming items.

As you make your list, prioritize baby items that are running low. Ask yourself which ones are true necessities. Does your baby require any special ingredients? Consider the frequency and quantity of your usual purchases. Could you save money and time with a subscription or an auto-refill? Many companies are free to join, offer free shipping, and provide monthly auto-delivery options so you won’t ever forget or run out of essentials.

To help you out, I’ve made a list of necessary baby items and my favorite home delivery options. Let’s keep you and baby happy and healthy!

Baby Food

If your baby is eating solid foods, there are plenty of organic, ready-made baby food choices on Thrive Market including biodynamic, vegan, allergy-friendly options available for delivery. Another trustworthy baby food company is Serenity Kids, which makes 100% organic, grass-fed foods that support small, local farmers and humane animal practices. TIP: Get 15% off with checkout code REALFOODRN! If you’re considering making your own baby food, it’s pretty easy to turn fresh ingredients into healthy meals baby will love, especially with The Big Book of Organic Baby Food and Real Food for Mother and Baby.

Fresh, Organic Produce

Azure Standard delivers more than 14,000 non-GMO, organic, and bulk products direct to families across the nation, including Hawaii and Alaska. Another great option is Imperfect Foods, which is an innovative solution to food waste. They gather items deemed unworthy for grocery store shelves but perfectly fine for your fruit basket—and it is 30% cheaper than store prices! You can customize your order based on meal planning, allergies, convenience, and budget. It’s like getting a CSA box, and you can choose delivery frequency including pausing or skipping when you won’t be home to get the box.

Feeding Supplies

If you’re breastfeeding, it might be smart to order a backup hand pump for emergencies. Everything you need for highchair meals is available for direct delivery to your home from Thrive Market too.

TIP: Keep a stash of compostable paper plates and utensils for when anyone is ill—especially parents or family members tasked with dishwashing. If you’re not well, it’s best not to handle dishes that others might eat or drink from if possible.

Bath Items

A lovely, gentle bubble bath for baby can be soothing when your sweet pea is feeling under the weather or having trouble sleeping. A favorite after-bath moisturizer that we use for our kiddos is this amazing Soothing Baby Oil. Babies need baths, but sometimes, so do moms and dads!

Parents only treat: for an affordable tub soak, toss in 2-4 cups of Epsom salts, a few drops of your favorite essential oils, and soak your worries away. If you don’t have time for the tub, try just soaking your feet with 1-2 cups Epsom salts, peppermint, or lavender essential oil, a squirt of Dr. Bronner’s liquid castile soap, and a bag of marbles for self-reflexology. Just be careful to put the marbles out of reach when you’re done so curious crawlers don’t find a potential choking hazard!


Depending on the size your baby currently wears, Thrive Market will deliver 96 to 128 biodegradable disposable diapers in a 100% recyclable box right to your door. For parents who prefer reusable cloth diapers, Thrive Market has those too, but they’re also available through subscription diaper services such as Cotton Booty and Mother Nature’s Diapers. Imagine never going to the store for diapers again!

Baby Wipes & Diaper Cream

We swear by these amazing Seedlings toxin-free lavender diaper wipes. They are soothing and can be used for more than just diaper clean-up. I use them to remove my makeup and to clean up dirty hands and faces when we are out and about! We also love their lavender diaper rash cream because they use clean ingredients and it is so gentle for baby’s skin. You can also try making your own reusable all-natural wipes.

TIP: If you choose not to have wipes delivered, it’s a smart idea to keep a backup supply of DIY reusable wipe ingredients for those moments when you’ve run out and can’t get to the store.

Gentle, Non-Toxic Soap & Face Wipes

After diapers, before feeding, and when caring for someone who feels unwell, it’s important to wash your hands with warm water and gentle soap for a minimum of 20 seconds, including in between fingers and under fingernails. Remember, when anyone is feeling ill, turn off the faucet with a paper towel to prevent the recontamination of clean hands. Avoid sharing cloth hand towels and launder towels and washcloths in hot water.

Remember to wash the hands of older babies and toddlers who feed themselves, because they touch everything in their world as part of their normal development. Soaps lightly scented with essential oils are generally safe for babies, but take care not to get in their eyes, ears, or nasal passages.

Soap ingredients to avoid: triclosan and triclocarban (linked to endocrine disruption and decreased thyroid function), phthalates, parabens, and propylene glycol (research indicates they may be cancer-causing), and nut-based oils (in case of allergy).

If your little one’s cheeks or nose are dried out from teething, drool, or runny nose, Earth Mama face balm is exceptional and gentle. We apply this to little cheeks daily in the winter months because they get chapped from the cold weather when out playing.

Hand Sanitizer & Hand Lotion

Natural hand sanitizers should be used only when soap is unavailable, as most store-bought, commercial brands are drying and not safe for a baby’s delicate skin. Don’t forget to moisturize your own hands, especially during cold and flu season, because chapped skin can put you and your baby at risk for germs.

Baby-Friendly Household Cleaners

If you’re running low on your usual household cleaning items, apple cider vinegar can be used to disinfect hundreds of surfaces without worry of baby having contact with toxic ingredients, including homemade baby food jars and lids.

Savvy moms suggest setting up a recurring delivery of baby-friendly laundry detergent to save the hassle of shopping and lugging it home. Another budget and time saver is Molly’s Suds wool dryer balls which can replace the need for harsh fabric softeners that can irritate the baby’s delicate skin.

You can also try making your own gentle household cleaners from ingredients in your pantry if online retailers are out of stock.

Minor Medical Treatment & Teething Supplies

Whatever you normally use for upset tummies, bumps and rashes, teething, or fever reduction, such as infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen, digital thermometer, gentle washcloths for cool compresses, natural teething gel, and toys and baby cough syrup from natural ingredients. Keeping these items on hand will ensure your bundle of joy is comforted and back to health with little disruption to their everyday routine.

TIP: For congestion relief, sit in the bathroom with the baby while the hot shower runs—the steam will work like magic. For older children and adults, fill a large bowl with boiling water, add in 2-4 drops of tea tree or eucalyptus essential oil, then drape a bath towel over your head and lean over the bowl to breathe in the steam for a few minutes.

Doctor Visits & Prescriptions

You read that right—no need to leave the house to see the doctor (unless it’s an emergency). Many health insurances provide a free, 24-hour nurse hotline for after-hours medical help, but with current events, those nurse lines may not be available. That’s where Steady MD can help! Countless families appreciate the security of having their own doctor available when medical advice is needed, without the hassle and risk of taking sick kids to a clinic. Steady MD health practitioners are fully licensed, professional medical doctors who provide a full range of affordable conventional and alternative modalities. Perfect for first-time mommies, holistic-minded dads, and middle-of-the-night fevers.

Many necessary baby items can be delivered conveniently to your door. There is no need to stress about leaving the house for essential baby care items. Getting baby items delivered will save you time, ease your budget, and give you peace of mind that you and your baby can stay home and healthy. Who knows? Maybe instead of running inconvenient or potentially risky errands, you might even get a nap or a hot shower!

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Necessary Baby Items You Can Get Delivered to Your Door | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.

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