Homemade Playdough (non-toxic)

Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

Growing up, I LOVED Play-doh, and it would entertain me anytime, anywhere, always! One Christmas I got a complete Play-doh collection with about 20 different colors, when I was eating dessert my little cousin (not naming names, Kenzie!) got into the collection and mixed all the colors. I was devastated!!! I also will never forget the first time my mom made homemade playdough, I thought she was a magician! I remember how good the homemade playdough smelled, like something out of the kitchen…not out of a factory. I could not wait until my kids were old enough to play with the playdough and not eat it. We have finally reached that stage and have been creating some pretty cool homemade playdough recipes along the way!



  • Mix first 5 ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

  • Stir frequently to avoid it sticking or burning
  • When it looks like playdough, it’s done!
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

  • Divide the dough into balls and color/scent them according to the directions below
  • Store in an air tight container. It lasts for months!
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

…..now is the fun part: coloring it and making it smell nice! 

Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

Here are some of the color/scent combinations we use.

  • turmeric & pumpkin pie spice (turmeric makes the dough bright orange and the pie spice makes it smell like….pie!)
  • lemon essential oil, yellow food color, gold glitter
  • peppermint essential oil, green food coloring, green glitter
  • lavender essential oil, red and blue food color (to make purple)
  • *note: it is important to get high quality essential oils that are pure and clean if you kids are going to be playing with this. Quality and purity does matter!
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

How to add the color:

  • Roll dough into a ball and make a large thumb imprint into the ball
  • Pour the color into the imprint
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

  • Squeeze it shut
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

  • Knead with your hands until well incorporated and add color as necessary to achieve the level of color that you desire (with the natural food colorings there will not be as bright of a color as there is with the synthetic stuff….but who cares, it’s non-toxic!)
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

How to add the glitter: 

  • Follow the same procedure as you did adding the color explained above
  • With the glitter you might have to add, then knead, add, then knead. It is a bit more labor intensive than adding the color, but the kids LOVE the glitter!
Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

I made spearmint scented playdough with green glitter…my husband thought that we made gum! 

Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN


Homemade Non-toxic Playdough | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.

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  1. Pingback: January Favorites
  2. Thanks for the recipe! My son loves play dough and we go through it quickly! Will be nice to make him some custom colors!

    Coming to you from the SITS Comment Love Tribe!

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  6. Pingback: DIY "Sick Day" Playdough Recipe - Real Food RN
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