Homemade Lip Balm

Homemade Lip Balm | Real Food RN

I love to make my own personal care products not only to save money but because when I make my own I know exactly what goes into them. Homemade lip balm was something that had always intimidated me a bit because it seemed difficult. Boy was I wrong! Making it is super easy and I tweaked the recipe a bit so it also functions as a healing salve. Keep a tube of this in your purse for a variety of uses.

Uses for this balm:

  • chapstick
  • I apply it to the inside of my nose in the winter when it’s really dry
  • I apply it to cracked knuckles and dry skin patches
  • I use it on scrapes



  • In a double boiler over low heat melt the coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax
Healing Homemade Lip Balm | Real Food RN

  • Remove from heat and add honey and essential oils
Healing Homemade Lip Balm | Real Food RN

  • Whisk together, but act quickly so it does not begin to harden
  • Pour the mixture into lip balm tubes or small canisters (to make it easier, I use pipettes to fill the lip balm tubes)
  • Let them cool until hard
  • Cap and label
  • Store unused tubes in the fridge and they will last a long time
  • Makes approximately 16 tubes
Healing Homemade Lip Balm | Real Food RN

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Homemade Lip Balm | Real Food RN


Hi, my name is Kate.


  1. I know you mentioned using pipettes, but I found irrigation syringes on Amazon: they are huge, but filled my lip balm tubs so well, and quickly. They would work for using to fill deodorant tubes, or other small or large containers without making a mess. I highly recommend them.

    1. Carol, what a great idea! I could grab a few of those at work (shh don’t tell!). I’m totally going to try it. The pipettes can get messy

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