Chlorine Neutralizing Bath Salts | Real Food RN

Chlorine Neutralizing Bath Salts

Chlorine Neutralizing Bath Salts | Real Food RN

If you live in the city, you probably have chlorine in your water! This is added to the municipal water supply to kill of bacterial in the water supply. Unfortunately, it can also do some damage to our bodies too! Especially if you are a lover of baths (like me) and like to soak in the tub for an hour or more. We looked into getting a whole house filtration system for our water but it was to expensive (maybe some day). We used one of these bath balls for a while. But again, I wanted something even cheaper to use. Something I can make myself….chlorine neutralizing bath salts! This costs pennies to make and is so easy to throw together. It even makes a great gift, say for new Moms who are afraid of exposing their babies to anything and everything. I totally was not one of those moms! Okay, I totally was — and would have loved getting this as a gift!

First, a little bit about why soaking in chlorine is bad for you: 

  • Chlorine belongs to the same chemical group as fluoride and belongs to a group of chemicals called pathogens — NOT good!
  • New research suggests that children who swim frequently in chlorinated pools may have increased risks of developing allergies or asthma
  • It has been linked with other health problems including bladder and rectal cancer and, possibly, an increased risk for coronary heart disease
  • “The latest on this comes from a study in Belgium, which found that teens who spent more than 1,000 hours swimming in chlorinated pools had more than eight times the risk of developing asthma or allergies, compared to kids who usually swam in pools using a copper-silver disinfecting method.” (source)

Here is the recipe that I use for my kiddos:

  • 1 cup sea salt — where to find
  • 1 cup vitamin C powder — where to find
  • pour into a glass jar and shake until well mixed
  • Use 1 Tbsp per bath
  • the vitamin c helps neutralize the chlorine
  • sea salts have the following benefits:

Sea salts carry many benefits when used in the tub. Sea salts contain many minerals and nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. Sea salts, when combined with warm water, help open up the pores while plumping up the skin just a bit, giving you a healthy and youthful glow. Sea salts also help treat certain skin conditions such as psoriasis. Sea salts can also relieve the pain of arthritis. (source)

Chlorine Neutralizing Bath Salts | Real Food RN

Here is the basic detox bath recipe, this is the recipe I personally use (makes enough for one bath): 

If you want a deeper detox then you can add any of the following:

  • 1/2 cup bentonite clay (where to find): bentonite is known for its ability to absorb and remove toxins, heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals
  • 1/2 cup sea salt (where to find): sea salt helps to remove toxins from the body, improve circulation, and removes accumulated lactic acid from the body
  • 1/2 cup baking soda (where to find): provides a naturally alkaline environment that helps to remove toxins.

If you really want to see if this works, order one of THESE KITS and test away.

So, what are your thoughts? Will you make chlorine neutralizing bath salts for your family, or to give as a gift? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below! 

Disclaimer: None of these health benefits have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Not to be used on newborn babies, as safety has not been determined. 

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Chlorine Neutralizing Bath Salts | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.


  1. I have tired this and I noticed that when I do the water has a strange/bad smell (sewer). Is this because the chlorine is neutralized and the real smell of the water is uncovered?

    1. Hmm, I have not experienced that so I am not sure. Sounds very unpleasant though. You might want to contact your water company and have it checked out.

      1. Just curious she’s asking if you should add the vitamin C first and then the salts and you said, that’s what you do but you’ve mixed vitamin C with bath salts in a jar and then you add a tablespoon of the two together? Can you clarify for me please? also how long does it take for the Vitamin C to neutralize the chlorine? Thanks, Julie

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