Easy Homemade Mascara Recipe

I have read recently that lavender may complement some of your favorite shampoos, lotions, or skin care products. I am attempting to make all of my self-care products and cosmetics so making my own all natural mascara was the natural next step for me. This is an easy, homemade mascara recipe that uses non-toxic and inexpensive ingredients! Plus, it works like the mascara you find at the store!
Before I get started, I recently came across an article on how to correctly apply mascara and it completely changed how I had been doing it! I thought I would share it with you here so you can use my homemade mascara to its fullest!
Homemade Mascara
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1 tsp shea butter — where to find
- 1 1/2 tsp beeswax — where to find
- 2 tsp jojoba oil — where to find
- 2 capsules activated charcoal — where to find
- 2 drops Vitamin E oil — where to find
Note: I also lie to add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the mascara bottle as I fill it.
- double boiler — like this
- empty mascara tube — where to find
- In a double boiler, melt the first 4 ingredients
- Once melted remove from heat and add in the charcoal and Vitamin E
- Pour into a plastic bag and allow to cool enough to touch

- Cut small corner off plastic bag and use it like a cake decorator to pipe it into the empty mascara tube
- Apply your homemade mascara as you would your regular mascara and smile to yourself….no more chemicals on those lashes!
If making your own homemade mascara seems like too much work, or if you just want to buy one, then I highly recommend THIS non-toxic brand. I have tried them all and this one performs the best!

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Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.
I’ll bet this is great for your lashes with all the oils in it but does it smudge easily? My biggest concern would be ending up looking like a racoon if it smudges.
No, it does not smudge. It will, however, if you are swimming or sweating a lot
Can you reuse the mascara container? 7 dollars seem high to just toss it. Can I use o.e that I have if washed out?
Yep, you can reuse them 🙂
So now that you are a Beauty Counter Rep, are you using their products or your own “homemade” makeup? By the way love your sit, very kind of you to share all your knowledge
Hi Laurali,
I am using my own face creams, serums, and toners. But I buy my makeup from Beautycounter. With the exception of mascara, they do not make a mascara yet, so I make my own 🙂
Would you share your receips?
Do you think cocoa butter could sub for shea here?
Any tips on piping this into the mascara container? Even with the plastic bag, it made a terrible mess. Thanks!
I have had issues when it cooled too much, then I either used a toothpick or bamboo skewer to push it into the tube
A bamboo skewer is a great idea! And you’re right—I should have tried working faster. My chilly kitchen from this MN winter had it starting to thicken up pretty quickly. Thanks so much for the quick reply~
I live in Minnesota too! You need to act quickly when making mascara in these parts 😉
Hi Kate,
I made this mascara yesterday and tried it both yesterday and today. It looks really good on the lashes but it doesn’t dry. I have long lashes and everytime i blink, it make a mess around my eyes. What can i do about it? Thanks!
Hi Jale, maybe you should try adding more beeswax so it hardens more. I have not had that problem with it before so I am not completely sure.
I have loose activated charcoal. How much of this would be equal to two capsules? I can’t wait to try this recipe!!
Maybe a 1/2 tsp
Whatever you do, don’t let it solidify at all before trying to get it into the tube. Total fail…
Yep. I learned that lesson too!
Can u use coco powder instead of charcoal??
Sure, that should work I think
Do you always use the full 1 1/2 tsp of bees wax? Mine clumped and hardened really fast, as in, I couldn’t get it out of the double boiler, into the bag and into the tube fast enough. It would harden in the bag and I couldn’t get it out. I even tried squeezing it back into the double boiler and adding more Jojoba oil to it to see if that would help. I did end up getting it in the tube but the wand comes out completely solid w/ mascara, like you can’t even see the brush portion. I don’t know how I’d brush it on my lashes!?! Thanks for your help! I’d love this to work! 😉
Oops…. solved the solid wand problem. I didn’t use the scrapers that came with the bottles. I’m going to try that and see if it helps! lol 😉
Thank you for the recipe. Why use synthetic vitamin e oil ? I think Biottin is natural and will be the brand I’ll try. I shy away from synthetics altogether. In fact, it’s the main reason I’m looking for DIY personal products. Dodge toxins and allergic reactions while saving money to boot. Win Win!
Is there anything that can be added to make it waterproof or more water resistant?
How Long this can be stored in Mascara tube. ?
I would say up to a month
Would substituting another oil (like castor oil or olive oil) for the jojoba oil effect how the mascara wears? I made the recipe using those (because they are suppose to help with eyelash growth) but the mascara never seems to “harden” it stayed an oily consistency.
Castor oil does help with lash growth, you could try subbing it
Hi, I’m having the problem with it not drying on my lashes so that it wipes off when I touch them too… i already reheated the tube and added more melted beeswax with no success 🙁 Really want this to work! If anyone figures it out, please let us know!
What would be the equivalent of 2 capsules charcoal. I only have powder.
I would estimate 1/2 tsp
Many recipes call for Bentonite clay to help dry the mascara once its on – amazon has lots of sources for it
Awesome, thanks for the tip Alison! Good to know 🙂
You can also use a cake decorating bag with writing tip on it to fill the tube with NO MESS. Best tip size would be a #5 or 6. Maybe smaller depending on your bottle’s opening. I’m a cake decorator and I promise, you will have a much cleaner, precise, and easier time with this method. 🙂
Thx for the recipe!
Thank you, that’s very detailed and I will definitely try!! I also add a few drops of essential oil to my mascara – mostly, lavender oil. It helps my eyelashes stay healthy and grow longer )) Works well especially if to add a good serum to daily routine – for me it’s Cherish Lash. A great product!
Can I use something like cocoa powder instead of the charcoal to make it brown instead of black?
Hi! I’m wondering if you know of any subs for the beeswax? Could I use soy or candellila wax?
those should work too 🙂