7 Science-Proof Benefits of CBD Oil | Real Food RN

7 Science-Proof Benefits of CBD Oil

7 Science-Proof Benefits of CBD Oil | Real Food RN

By now, I’m sure you have heard about CBD oil. Maybe you’ve seen it advertised at your local farmer’s market or have a friend or family member who uses it. Or maybe you stopped short in the middle of your research when you saw the word “cannabis.” Well, crunchy mama, I’ll share everything scientific I know about CBD oil, and then you can decide for yourself if you’re ready to incorporate it into your wellness routine. 

A Quick CBD Refresher

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is an active compound found in cannabis. Yes, marijuana. However, remember, CBD is not the compound in cannabis that makes you high. That is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD has no psychoactive properties. When you extract CBD from cannabis, you get CBD oil and dilute it in a carrier oil (much like you would with topical essential oils). Some carrier oils include coconut oil or hemp seed oil. 

CBD can be found in dietary supplements, topical creams, drinks (including juices, soft drinks, and even coffee), food, and bath and beauty products. 

Is CBD Oil legal?

The answer is that it’s complicated. Many states have different legislature regarding cannabis products. Some have legalized all products that contain less than 0.3 percent of THC and CBD falls into that category with 0 percent. However, other states have muddy laws regarding the legalization of CBD. A few states still restrict access to those with a prescription. So, you may want to check your state laws before purchasing CBD oil to be on the safe side. 

The regulation exists mainly due to THC in cannabis. In 2018, the Farm Bill was passed, making hemp (and therefore certain hemp products with less than 0.3 percent THC) legal in the United States. This doesn’t include products like delicious and nutritious hemp seeds, which are legal. But as the cannabis legislation landscape continues to evolve, so will access to all hemp-derived products. 

7 Scientific Benefits of CBD Oil

The benefits of CBD oil are still being studied. But since CBD interacts with our existing endocannabinoid system, potential benefits may include:

Pain Relief. Many people apply CBD oil topically to affected areas or ingest CBD oil as a tincture in food or drink. Since CBD interacts with those CB2 pain/inflammation receptors, it may contribute to pain and inflammation relief. 

Anxiety Relief. If you recall, our CB1 receptors are related to emotion, memory, and even appetite. Therefore, CBD oil may provide some anxiety relief by promoting relaxation in the body and boosting your mood by increasing serotonin production. 

May Reduce the Risk of Diabetes and Obesity. Since CBD oil has a profound (and positive) impact on the mind and how the mind works, some studies show positive signs that CBD oil may reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity. It may also aid weight loss by boosting serotonin. 

Supports Health and Wellness. CBD oil may support heart and brain health by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD oil may protect the heart while acting as a Vasco-relaxant and Vasco-stabilizer. 

Improved Sleep. Since CBD oil may help with relaxation and stress relief while increasing serotonin, it is no wonder it could improve sleep. CBD oil may help you fall asleep faster and get more restful sleep.  

Potential to lower high blood pressure. Studies are being conducted to determine CBD oil’s benefits on patients with high blood pressure. So far, there are positive signs that CBD oil may positively impact high blood pressure. 

Pediatric Epilepsy. There have been many breakthroughs that indicate CBD is effective in treating cases of pediatric epilepsy, in some cases eliminating symptoms entirely. 

CBD Oil and Safety

CBD oil is pretty safe, but it could negatively interact with other medications or supplements you are already taking. So, if you are taking other medications or supplements, talk to your doctor before trying CBD oil. In case you haven’t guessed, the potential side effects are just like the benefits: in need of more research and study. However, some say CBD oil could cause liver damage, negatively interact with other drugs and alcohol, impair alertness, and cause gastrointestinal issues in some people. I can’t stress it enough – talk to your doctor before incorporating CBD oil into your wellness routine. 

And for my pregnant crunchy mamas out there? Skip the CBD oil during pregnancy. It is not worth the risk, especially when many other natural and safer alternatives are available to ease pain and anxiety during pregnancy. Those leg cramps? I swear by magnesium oil

Choosing the Best CBD Oil

If you are ready to try CBD oil, make sure you purchase from a highly reputable source. Most suppliers are more than happy to explain their extraction process. Ask about third-party testing for quality and seek pure CBD oil. Read the ingredients to know exactly what is in the oil before using. If you plan on ingesting CBD oil, make sure you know your proper dosage. Your dosage can vary based on body composition, the type of CBD you are using, and what you are using the CBD for. Reputable suppliers will be happy to answer any questions you have about dosage and ways to reap CBD oil benefits. 

The Bottom Line

CBD oil isn’t going anywhere, and more and more studies are being done to prove its safety and efficacy. Remember, I highly recommend that you speak with your doctor before incorporating CBD oil into your diet or wellness routine. And always make sure you know what you’re putting into your body. As you know, I’m a big fan of holistic and natural remedies. I hope that CBD oil continues to be proven effective in treating a myriad of conditions and boosting overall health and wellness.

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7 Science-Proof Benefits of CBD Oil | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.

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