Thieves Oil Pulling Chews for Amazing Breath!

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Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN

So, when I first heard about oil pulling I thought it sounded pretty wild. Why would sloshing some oil around in your mouth be so beneficial? Then I looked into it a bit more and was very intrigued. So, I tried it for myself, starting with plain old coconut oil. Meh, seemed okay. I decided to add in some essential oils…Yowza, now we’re talking. I have tried oil pulling with several different essential oils, but the one I keep going back to is Thieves. Then I decided to make them into oil pulling chews to make things even easier and more fun! 

And for good reason!

  • Thieves supports your immune system
  • Thieves is a powerful cleaner (Young Living has a dedicated cleaning line just for Thieves oil!)
  • Thieves has an amazing flavor that leaves your mouth tingly and fresh! (Young Living also has two toothpastes that use Thieves as a main ingredient).

So, enough about how much I love that oil. Here is a nifty little way that I made this process super easy. You premix the oils, freeze them into small cubes, and then just pop one in your mouth and you are good to go. Just remember NOT to swallow the oils when you are done, you want to spit all the nasties from your mouth out. Everybody out!!!

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews


  • 3/4 cup melted coconut oil — we love this kind (use coupon code REALFOOD10 for 10% off your entire order!)
  • 40 drops Thieves EO  — we only use therapeutic grade essential oils
  • Silicon molds — where to find
  • Note: the next batch I make I am going to try using the Thieves Mouthwash in the recipe! So, I will keep you posted on that! I LOVE that mouthwash and it just occurred to me to use it in this recipe!


  • Melt coconut oil until liquid

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN

  • Allow to cool
  • Add in Thieves Essential Oil

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN

  • Stir to combine
  • Pour into molds

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN

  • Put into the fridge and allow to cool until hardened

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN

  • Pop out of molds and put into a freezer bag
  • Store oil pulling chews in the freezer

Thieves Oil Pulling Chews | Real Food RN


  • Put one of the oil pulling chews into your mouth and chew until it becomes liquid
  • Then swish the oils throughout your mouth, pulling it between your teeth
  • Do this for 5 – 20 minutes
  • Important: do NOT swallow, spit it into the trash (it’s full of bacteria from your mouth!)
  • Enjoy fresh breath and a clean and healthy mouth!
  • Bonus: I have noticed whiter teeth with regular oil pulling!

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16 Replies to “Thieves Oil Pulling Chews for Amazing Breath!”

  1. Are you supposed oil pull before or after you brush your teeth? Which one, before or after, is more beneficial? or does it not matter?

    1. Hi Shontel, I recommend discussing oil pulling during a check-up visit with your dentist, so that they can take a look at your overall oral health as well as the condition of restorations, dental work, and veneers.

  2. Oil pulling should not affect the cement or composite bonding on your veneers. You eat oil in your foods. Same thing.

    1. Hello, I have been adding 2 drops of Thieves to my coconut oil and then oil pulling for 15 to 20 minutes. Kate, I was wondering if you have tried using the thieves mouthwash with your recipe yet and if so how did it turn out?

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