Bedtime Beautifying and Hydrating Face Serum

Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN

I love making DIY skincare stuff because it’s so much fun experimenting, and it’s even more fun when I see results on my skin! My Frankincense Face Cream has been a very popular post of mine and I personally use it every night, so I used that recipe as a guide for this recipe. This recipe is a great hydrating face serum!

I used the same base oils and added them to Emu Oil. Say Wha? Yep, the Australian bird. A friend of mine recommended that I grab some Emu Oil for a red patch that I had on my cheek. It worked like magic! Then I did some research on it. Turns out this stuff is for real! I go into detail below. You will see why I included it in this recipe.

Here is why these oils are are great to use on your skin before bed every night!

  • Sweet Almond Oil: Sweet Almond Oil reduces scarring, smoothes and rejuvenates skin
  • Jojoba Oil: Jojoba Oil is anti-inflammatory and has been shown to reduce the signs of aging
  • Emu Oil: Emu oil is often applied to the skin to reduce pain and irritation. It will not irritate even the most sensitive skin, does not clog pores, goes on light and absorbs immediately, hydrates and super-oxygenates to thicken skin and help hold moisture, plumps up your skin’s underlying layer reducing fine lines and wrinkles, relieves itching and inflammation, calms redness and lightens age spots, hastens healing and reduces scarring. Pretty awesome stuff!!!

Now for the essential oils:

  • Frankincense: Frankincense can be applied topically to maintain radiant skin. Its ability to smooth the look of healthy skin makes this oil a key part of Young Living’s Boswellia Wrinkle Cream (one of my favorite YL products!)
  • Geranium: Geranium can be applied topically to help maintain the appearance of tender skin. Geranium includes the naturally occurring constituents citronellol and geraniol
  • Helichrysum: Helichrysum can be applied topically to improve the appearance of tender skin. This oil includes the naturally occurring constituents neryl acetate, gamma-curcumene and alpha-pinene
  • Ylang Ylang: Ylang Ylang can be applied topically to soothe the skin. Ylang Ylang is found in many Young Living skin and hair care products. It’s even great for your hair!
  • Patchouli: Patchouli essential oil may improve the appearance of dry, dull skin. It includes the naturally occurring constituents patchoulol, bulnesene and alpha-guaiene

Note: I only use therapeutic-grade essential oils. If you are putting them onto your skin you will want to make sure they are pure and will have the therapeutic benefits that you would expect!

Bedtime Hydrating Face Serum


  • 2 Tbsp sweet almond oil — where to find
  • 2 Tbsp jojoba oil — where to find
  • 1 Tbsp emu oil — where to find
  • 10 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • 10 drops Geranium essential oil
  • 7 drops Helichrysum essential oil
  • 7 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
  • 7 drops Patchouli essential oil
  • 1 (4oz) glass dropper bottle — like this (you can also find some really cute bottles and jars HERE)


  • Combine everything in the glass dropper bottle using a small funnel
Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN
Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN
Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN
Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN
Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN
  • Put cap on bottle and shake until well combined
Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN


  • Smooth hydrating face serum onto face every night before bed, shake before use
  • Store in cool, dry place. Do not expose to heat or the oils will lose their therapeutic value. It lasts a long time
Bedtime Beautifying & Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN

So give this hydrating face serum a try and come back here to tell me what you think! 

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Bedtime Beautifying and Hydrating Face Serum | Real Food RN


Hi, my name is Kate.

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  1. Do you have any suggestions to replace the Emu oil? I’m vegan and know it won’t be quite the same but definitely want to give it a try.

  2. I love that you call the emu “the small Australian bird” Kate! They are actually huge (approx. 6ft) – the only bird larger than an emu is the ostrich.
    I can’t wait to try this serum. Men don’t normally notice much – so if your husband has seen a difference in your skin, I’m sold! (I bet it smells divine too.)
    Cheers (from an Aussie girl).

    1. LOL Megs, oops. I for some reason thought they were small birds. I better go change that part in the post. Thanks for the clarification 😉 Hope you like the serum! Emu oil is simply magical for the skin!

  3. Pingback: 072- Detoxing Your Skincare Routine | DIY Makeup and More - Revolution Oils
  4. Pingback: The Many Health Benefits of Emu Oil Explained
    1. After the emus are full grown, the oil is located in sack like form underneath the fat of the emu’s back. It is then often refined to ensure that there are no harmful bacteria from the emu left in the oil. Emus are unfortunately killed to produce the emu oil. However, the emus are also killed for their meat. Many emu farmers raise and slaughter the animals then the byproducts are then used for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes.

    1. After the emus are full grown, the oil is located in sack like form underneath the fat of the emu’s back. It is then often refined to ensure that there are no harmful bacteria from the emu left in the oil. Emus are unfortunately killed to produce the emu oil. However, the emus are also killed for their meat. Many emu farmers raise and slaughter the animals then the byproducts are then used for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes.

  5. Do you have any ideas for face spray mist? I live in So. TX and seems that spritzing/mist on my face 2 to 3 times a day has worked.
    Hoping to hear from you.

    1. I like to use peppermint as a body mist. A facial mist might be great with Frankincense, lavender, rose, or geranium.

  6. Pingback: Episode #10: Melissa Schollaert – Health Damaging Toxins in Our Personal Care Products

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