Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | Real Food RN

Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks

Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | Real Food RN

When I became pregnant with my first child I decided that I needed to get every chemical off of my skin and out of my body. I had already been in the process of doing this, but when I found out that these skin care products could potentially harm my growing baby, everything had to go!

My loving, hippie mom whipped up some awesome miracle oil to prevent stretch marks. Let me tell you, not only did I not get one stretch mark so far with my four pregnancies, but this stuff is also amazing for your skin in general! So silky and moisturizing….and it smells like chocolate! Who wouldn’t want to run their belly with chocolate every night before bed?!

Here is why this stuff works: 

  • Coconut Oil: coconut oil provides deep and real moisture. It helps strengthen underlying tissues and helps remove excessive dead cell on the skin’s surface that makes your skin rough and flaky in texture (source)
  • Cocoa Butter: widely noted to help reduce stretch marks. Cocoa Butter contains a number of different antioxidants that can kill off a wide range of different free radicals that destroy your skin cells and lead to premature aging. This makes it an ideal skin care product (source)
  • Sweet Almond Oil: Increases skin elasticity
Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | Real Food RN

Miracle Oil to Prevent Stretch Marks


  • 1/4 cup coconut oil — where to find
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa butter — where to find
  • 2 tsp sweet almond oil — where to find
  • Your favorite essential oil
  • Container of your choice — you can find some really cute bottles and jars HERE!


  • In a double boiler or small sauce pan, heat coconut oil and cocoa butter until melted.
  • Remove from heat and stir in sweet almond oil and the essential oil.
  • Pour into small glass jar and allow to cool completely.
  • Apply daily to stretch marks to reduce the discoloration, or apply daily to pregnant belly to prevent stretch marks.

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Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | Real Food RN

None of these health benefits have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They should not be used in place of personal judgment or medical treatment when needed, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. (Only your doctor can diagnose and treat disease.) Read my full disclaimer.

Hi, my name is Kate.

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  1. Pingback: Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks - Oily Abundance
  2. Pingback: Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | nellygb10
  3. Pingback: Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | nellygb01
  4. Pingback: Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | sheilawindich
  5. Pingback: Miracle Oil To Prevent Stretch Marks | michomas62
  6. Did your mom get stretch marks? I’ve heard that heredity is a strong predictor of getting them, but I would sure try this to try to prevent them if I ever got pregnant! Looks like a great recipe.

    1. I don’t think she got them either. I have also heard that there is a genetic component. Also a diet component, you need to eat healthy fats. I am not taking my chances though 😉

    2. I’ve also heard it’s hereditary, however… My mom got stretch marks with both my sister and I… And I didn’t get any with my first child! I’m on pregnancy #2 right now, and hoping for the same outcome!

    3. My mom had horrible stretch marks. But I used this for my first, gained 40lbs, and don’t have one stretch mark!

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  12. Love as a skin moisturizer and easy to make! Newly pregnant so don't know if it prevents stretch marks or not but my severely dry skin already loves it! No lotions work for me & I have tried everything.

    1. Glad you like it. It is definitely one of my favorite nightly rituals when pregnant. Now 6 weeks postpartum I still like it as a moisturizer 🙂

  13. Pingback: Prevent Stretch Marks With Miracle Oil | Life Lovers
  14. Does this oil blend “harden”? I think I’d rather be able to scoop out as needed and apply as a cream rather than an liquid/runny oil. Would refrigerating and then whipping up like a cream work for this? Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. My batch was a soft cream due to the consistency of cocoa butter and Coconut oil. I don’t know how it would stay a liquid unless there are different kinds.

  15. Pingback: 31 DIY Projects That Will Make Pregnancy So Much Easier | DIY Mom Hacks
  16. My mother definitely got stretch marks with all of us kids (4 of us), my sister did with her first too. I didn’t get any with my first! Our diet is a lot healthier with grass fed and healthy fats than at the beginning/during theirs. Gelatin/collagen containing fats are key to skin elasticity. Also cutting out sugars, which rob your body of collagen stores. I’m still hoping for no stretch marks with this second baby! Upping my gelatin intake (grass fed gelatin, not the same as jello ;p) and trying this lotion/oil mix. I did coconut oil the last time.

      1. I was told that Frankincense can actually make your period start again and cause a miscarriage so to stay away from it during pregnancy. Which sucks because it heals everything!

        1. I don’t think that is an accurate fact about frankincense… it is actually one of the oils that are safe during pregnancy. I have had many (5) early losses and in my current pregnancy I have used it on my belly and I have made it to 18w with Drs very happy with progress. Also do you know what genius of frankincense your referencing? There are multiple and not all companies list the genius.

  17. Hi Kate! I just purchased all of these ingredients and I’m excited about making this oil. I may have missed it, but how much gentle baby oil do you add? I know a little goes a long way so I wanted to make sure I didn’t add too much. Thanks!

    1. Coconut oil can harden in cooler weather. You can warm it up or use an oil that remains liquid at temps below 74F. Even if it hardens a little, it will melt in your hands before you rub it on.

  18. So how do you convert the 1 lb block of cocoa butter to 2 tbsp?
    Cut a bit, melt it and then remeasure?
    I ordered based off the amazon link and that was a solid block. lol

    1. LOL Kim, I had the same experience. What the heck am I supposed to do with a brick of cocoa butter?! I actually put mine in a heavy duty ziplock and then beat it with a meat tenderizer on the cement. It broke into many pieces. Then I can guestimate how much it will melt down into. I melt it and then measure it. If I need to I add more until I have the right amount. If I have too much, I let it cool in a small dish and then pop it out of the dish when its hard and save it to use next time. Good luck! 🙂

  19. Pingback: 14 Genius Pregnancy Hacks to Make Life Easier for the Mom-to-Be - Mommy's Bundle
  20. How much does this make? What if you want to make a large batch to last for like 4 months.. is that possible?

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