What is the APOE4 Gene SNP? And How to Remedy it | Real Food RN

What is the APOE4 Gene SNP? And How to Remedy it

What is the APOE4 Gene SNP? And How to Remedy it | Real Food RN

What is the APOE4 Gene SNP and How Do You Remedy It?

Learn what the APOE4 Gene SNP is, what it does in the body, and how you can mitigate the potential side effects through simple lifestyle changes.

What Are Genes and SNPs? 

A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes are made up of DNA, and many act as instructions to make protein molecules needed for the body to properly function. Other genes do not impact proteins but help control other genes. 

Each cell in the human body contains roughly 25,000 to 35,000 genes. We inherit genes from our parents, who team up to determine physical features like eye color, hair color, height, etc. 

SNPs, or single nucleotide polymorphisms, are the most common type of genetic variation among people. They occur normally throughout a person’s DNA, with roughly 4 to 5 million SNPs in a single person’s DNA makeup. Most have no impact on a person’s health. 

However, some SNPs known as causative SNPs affect the way a protein in the body functions and correlate with disease.

The APOE Gene and Its Variants 

The APOE gene is a gene that provides instructions for making a protein known as apolipoprotein E. This protein combines with fats in the body to form lipoproteins, which are responsible for carrying cholesterol and other fats through the bloodstream. This helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, preventing cardiovascular diseases. 

However, the APOE gene is the most common gene linked to late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. That said, there are three variations of the gene, APOE2, APOE3, and APOE4, and they all come with varying risk factors. 

According to the Mayo Clinic

  • APOE2 is the least common and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.
  • APOE4 is a little more common. It increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and is linked to getting a fairly severe form of the disease.  
  • APOE3 is the most common gene variation and doesn’t seem to affect the risk of Alzheimer’s one way or the other. 

The APOE4 Genotype

As mentioned, having the APOE 4/4 gene represents the strongest risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. We have two copies of the gene, one from our mother and one from our father. 

Having at least one copy doubles or triples the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, and having two copies increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease roughly eight to twelvefold 

That said, not everyone who possesses the genes develops Alzheimer’s, and many people who don’t have the gene develop the disease. Other contributing factors include lifestyle, race, ethnicity, and environment. 

Those with the APOE4 gene are also more likely to develop other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and brain abnormalities. 

The exact functions and reasons for the correlation between the APOE4 gene and Alzheimer’s disease remain unclear. However, recent studies have shown that it may be due to problems with the brain cells’ ability to process fats or lipids as lipid imbalances can impair many of a cell’s essential processes. 

How to Remedy the APOE4 Gene

First things first, if you discover you have one or more sets of the APOE4 gene, don’t panic. It is not a guarantee that you will develop Alzheimer’s or related diseases, and there are things you can do to mitigate your risk. 


Because the prevalence of the APOE4 gene is associated with insulin resistance in the brain, it is recommended to implement a low-carb or low-glycemic index diet. 

In addition, it is advised to consume omega-3 fatty acids rich in DHA, the building blocks of the brain. Those with APOE4 genes may have a reduced ability to deliver DHA to the brain. So, it is recommended to consume 2-4 servings of fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel per week to provide our bodies with enough DHA.

Finally, the Mediterranean diet has been associated with up to 33% lower risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease for the average population, and the percentage is even greater for those with APOE4. This diet focuses on whole foods and is high in fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, and nuts. If you want to try this diet, “The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook” is a great place to start!


Alcohol consumption is not advised in excessive amounts for anyone. However, for those with the APOE4 gene SNP, any amount or type of alcohol seems to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, it’s recommended to limit or avoid alcohol consumption completely. If alcohol is something that you use recreationally to relax, consider replacing it with CBD. CBD has a calming effect on the nervous system, and it has numerous health benefits! I personally take this full-spectrum CBD daily and have noticed a drop in my anxiety levels. Plus, CBD promotes brain health.


Studies have demonstrated that those with the APOE4 gene SNP respond more positively to exercise than those without it. In fact, higher levels of physical activity have been associated with improved cognitive function and lower levels of beta-amyloid, a marker of Alzheimer’s disease. High-intensity exercise is believed to be the best, but it is recommended for those with APOE4 to increase exercise as a whole. 


Lack of sleep is largely associated with cognitive decline and a higher risk of dementia for all individuals. In fact, for those between the ages of 50 and 60 getting 6 hours or less of sleep per night has been associated with a 24-37% higher risk of dementia. 

Furthermore, studies have shown that getting between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night is optimal regardless of whether you have the APOE4 gene. 

Also, just because you are in bed for 8 hours does not mean that you are actually getting 8 hours of quality sleep. I highly recommend tracking your sleep to find out: duration, REM sleep total, deep sleep total, and wakefulness. I wear my Oura ring 24/7 and have insight into my sleep, activity, HRV, stress, resilience, cardiac age, and tons more data points. If you really want to track your health in real-time get an Oura ring, click here for $40 off.

In Conclusion

The APOE4 Gene SNP is a genetic variation of the APOE gene. APOE4 in particular has been correlated with a significantly increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other related health conditions. That said, the presence of one or more APOE4 gene SNPs does not mean you will develop Alzheimer’s. This is particularly true if you take steps to mitigate risk factors through lifestyles like eating a low-carb, omega-rich diet, limiting alcohol, exercising, and getting adequate sleep. Please consult your doctor with any specific questions or concerns. 

On a more personal note

I have the APOE 4/4 gene SNP and have been seeing a functional medicine doctor to try to work WITH my gene instead of against it. We have used some catered supplementation to reduce inflammation and improve brain health. I will list what I am taking, not to be prescriptive or to be taken as medical advice, but to share what has personally helped me. Please consult with your primary care provider before taking on any new supplement regimen.

Here is what I take for brain health:

  • Resvero Active: studies show that Resveratrol may stimulate neurogenesis in the hippocampus. In clinical studies, resveratrol improved spatial learning, memory formation, and mood function. This particular brand that I take is an emulsified micronized formula wherein the particle size of concentrated trans-resveratrol (from Polygonum cuspidatum) is greatly reduced to enhance absorption and bioavailability. I buy it from Fullscript (best price)
  • Neuroeffect: an amazing supplement that contains a blend of medicinal mushrooms and coffee fruit extract. I am particularly excited about the coffee fruit extract because it increases BDNF. This compound has been called a “natural fertilizer” for our brains and is necessary for learning new things and maintaining a strong memory. BDNF has been widely reported to play a critical role in neuronal development, maintenance, repair, and protection against neurodegeneration.
  • X39 and Aeon patches: not a supplement, but a wearable light technology that has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation (Aeon) and to increase stem cell activity (X39) in the body to rebuild and repair. I wear these religiously every day!

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What is the APOE4 Gene SNP? And How to Remedy it | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.

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