Just Food: Real Food Meals for Tube-Fed People


I work at a major metropolitan hospital and we get some seriously sick people at our facility because it is so large. Frequently, I administer tube feedings when people are unable to eat from either trauma, coma, mechanical ventilation, or severe malnourishment. I struggle with administering these tube feedings because of what is in them. They smell awful, look like diarrhea (and frequently cause diarrhea), are highly processed, and are basically made up of various corn derivatives. I have often contemplated coming up with my own formulary made from whole food.

One Mom took matters into her own hands when her son began requiring tube feedings. Her story brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy! I am so proud of what she is doing that I just had to share it with you.

Note: I am not receiving any compensation for putting this blog post out there. I just want to get the word out because I think her work is extremely important and I am appreciative of what she has done!

What would you do if your child became ill and required tube feedings to keep them alive? What would you do if those tube feedings, that were supposed to be making your child better, were actually making them even sicker? This is exactly what happened to this Mom  and she decided to step outside of her MD’s advice and take her child’s health into her own hands.

The following information was put together by this wonderful Mama. PLEASE support her cause and visit this page: CLICK HERE. Thank you!

Watch this video to see the whole story

This is a wonderful visual comparing the ingredients in standard tube feeding, compared with Just Food


Here is what the tube feeding looks like. Super easy to use!


Please share this post with anyone you know that would like to contribute to her cause or who might benefit from this Real Food tube feeding themselves.

CLICK HERE to find out how you can contribute.

Hi, my name is Kate.


  1. Thank you for sharing Just Food with your readers and the kind words! I hope more in the medical community ‘catch on’ to the power of real food for ALL people!

  2. Hi Kate. I’m also a believer in fresh unprocessed food. I’m a 61 year old male who has been tube fed for 11 years and will be permanently tube fed due to cancer surgery and radiation damage. I am very excited about Julie and Just Food, something I seriously considered doing years ago. I started Drink Your Meals in 2009 with over 100 recipes all made from fresh unprocessed food. Membership is free for tubefeeders. I envision the day when Juist Food is available to all tubefeeders and paid for by Medicare and insurance just as formula is now. Blessings, Jesse

    1. It will be a great day when it is available and covered by insurance. Optimizing health in the hospital sure will make my life easier!!! I checked out your site. Looks like you are making a change too. Keep up the good work.

  3. On Monday, I will be attending the funeral of my 90 year-old father-in-law who passed away after being over-fed with formula for nearly 4 months in the ICU. Three cheers for JUST FOOD. It can save many lives.

    1. Bill, I am so sorry for your loss. I struggle with feeding my patients tube feeding every day at work. Just Food is an amazing thing for the future of health care!

  4. I would like to order Justfood for my son but I cannot see where I can do this. Please let me know how I can obtain this product.


  5. Hi,
    I have to feed my husband, a gastric/esophageal cancer patient, through a very thin tube that bypasses his stomach and goes into the small intestine. The tube is very narrow gauge and very long, and as a result, I can’t risk putting anything that could leave residue and clog the line. We flush with water before and after each feeding, but a clog in the tubing would be disastrous.
    MY QUESTION: Do you make liquid foods that can be accommodated by this type of feeding tube (it is a g tube/ j tube hybrid). We cannot bolus feed; only flush with water by that method.
    The nasty, low nutritional value stuff provided with the feeding machine is woefully inadequate; a bunch of sugar and artificial vitamin supplements. There has to be something better out there! Can you help me, or point me in the right direction? Thank you very much for any information or assistance you can give us. My husband will soon starve if I can’t find something adequate to a human being’s needs.

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