How to Get a Premium Starter Kit for FREE

How to Get a Young Living Premium Starter Kit for FREE | Real Food RN

I’ve been using essential oils for years now. A variety of different brands. I would pick some up from my co-op, or order one from a friend of mine who was a distributor. I hate to admit it, but I never paid much attention to quality — I was focused on the price tag. Some oils can cost a fortune! But, the more I read (and through my own personal experience) the more I learned that quality is very important! Quality counts! Even if the prices are a bit higher! This is why I chose to go with Young Living essential oils.

So, now that I have found the quality, how can I afford them? Great question! When you sign up as a distributor (whole sale membership) with Young Living, you get your oils for 24% off! Sort of like a Costco membership, you pay a membership fee and you get a discount. The only difference is that with Young Living, you get a premium starter kit with that initial purchase (yes, you get oils!), and the discount, and a membership. Plus, you only have to pay this once! There is no annual membership fee. How awesome is that?

Now, here is the even cooler part: if you sign up and buy a kit…and then share your love of oils with family and friends…and three of them sign up under you….you get your kit for FREE! For each sign up you get, who purchases a Premium Starter Kit (the awesome kit with 11 oils, a diffuser, and samples!), you will earn at least $50. Three people who sign up at $50 each means $150 buckaroos for you. Kit paid for!

So here is my plan: I want to help my members get their kits for FREE! So, I am offering to help you do this. If you sign up under me, I will teach a class for you (online and interactive) to YOUR friends and family members who are interested in learning more about oils. What’s even better? I will GIVE YOU the sign ups, meaning that I will have anyone who decides they want oils too, sign up under you! If you invite 10 people to the class and 3 sign up, then your kit is paid for. Very little effort on your part, other than inviting your friends and family!

Why am I doing this? Because I love how the Young Living business model works. We all work together to build each other up in the company. I grow when my team grows. So, I want to invite people to my team and help them grow so I can, in turn, grow too. One big happy oily family!

If this is something YOU are interested in, then go ahead and get started. You can find all of the information you need to sign up HERE. I do, however, recommend that you order the Premium Starter Kit. Which is the best bang for your buck, and the way that the vast majority of people get started. Don’t worry am not encouraging you to spend the most, I just want to make sure that you get the best value!

Enroll Now

When you get your kit in the mail, start using the oils. Share your experiences with family and friends and invite them to your class (that I will be teaching!). That’s all you need to do! I was able to accomplish this and get my kit for free! I want to make that happen for others as well! Make this investment in your health and share your experiences with others. I cannot put a price tag on the benefits that my family and I have received from using the oils! They truly are life changing!

How to Get Started with Essential Oils

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How to Get a Young Living Premium Starter Kit for FREE | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.

One Comment

  1. Hello,
    I am extremely interested and committed to the belief that essential oils help the entire body. I am out of work even when I did work it was never enough hours and for sure not enough money. But my passion and my belief is to help heal body, mind and beauty.
    Due being out of work I cannot afford the distibutor or starter kit. It would be my dream come true to sell this. You mentioned another

    way to get started with out having pay for it right now is this correct? If it is how does this work? I look forward to hearing from you
    Thank You K.Weber

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