30 Day Gluten Free Challenge (finale recap)

Gluten-Free-Challenge Week 4 | Real Food RN

Sponsored post: This post was created as part of the #LivingNowFoods 30 Day Gluten Free Challenge in which I am a financially compensated blogger ambassador for Living NOW Foods. The opinions are my own and based on my own experience.

Welcome to week four of the challenge, as the month long challenge draws to an end. But not really, we do not plan to eat gluten any time soon! Being gluten free is definitely good for our health and we do not miss it at all!

If you want to read more about why I am doing this challenge, I suggest you read my Week 3 Recap Post

First, here is why gluten is BAD: 

1) Gluten causes inflammation in the body. Especially in the gut. People with leaky guts can have an especially bad reaction to eating gluten, as the proteins found in wheat can get past the gut barrier into the bloodstream. This activates the immune system and initates an attack. Sometimes our immune systems attack our own body as a result, leading to an autoimmune reaction and when combined with the inflammation it’s bad news!

2) A large percentage of the population has the genetic potential to develop antibodies against gluten. These antibodies against gluten have been shown to attack heart tissues and cause heart disease!

3) Wheat germ agglutinin irritates the gut lining and can lead to the death of of the cells in your gut, prematurely. This causes leaky gut!

4) Wheat can actually be physiologically addictive! There are  opioid peptides found in wheat are known to cause addiction, and withdrawal symptoms can happen upon the removal of wheat from the diet. Wow! I know I have had this reaction. I used to CRAVE bagels like they were the last food on earth! These opioid peptides are also implicated in many neurological conditions and often times people who suffer from such conditions as schizophrenia see an improvement in their condition when they remove gluten from their diet!

You can read all about why gluten is bad and what you can do about it in THIS AWESOME BOOK!!!

Why gluten is bad for ME: 

– bloating
– stomach upset
– headaches
– cravings (addition to the gluten)
– skin issues
– digestive issues (constipation)

What I am going to do about it: 

  • I will live 100% gluten free for a full 30 days!
  • I will document 3 of my gluten free dishes in a blog post once a week throughout this 30 day challenge!
  • I will share my daily experiences and pictures with you during this challenge on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.  If you aren’t following me on one of these platforms, I encourage you to. I will be sharing different things on each platform.
  • My partners over at Living Now have graciously sent me a box of food that is 100% gluten free and GMO free!  I will be sharing some pretty awesome recipes that are 100% gluten free throughout this challenge!!
  • After the 30 days, I will recap my experience and re-evaluate my symptoms and see how I feel, and share my thoughts with you all.
  • Want to join me?  I’d love to have you jump in on this 30 day challenge with me.  Why not try this?  I am starting today, Tuesday May 27th, but you are free to start whenever you’d like.

Here are some of the meals and snacks that we had this week, made from the goodies I got in the mail:

– Gluten Free Cheez-It Crackers
– Gluten Free Pizza Crust
– Gluten Free Graham Crackers
– Gluten Free Cereal (Chocolate Chip Banana Crunch)

Below are some of my photos from the treats we enjoyed this week. My kids requested that we make some of the delicious baked goods from #livingnowfoods and who can argue with banana bread muffins fresh out of the oven!….

Gluten-Free-Challenge Week 4 | Real Food RN

Gluten-Free-Challenge Week 4 | Real Food RN

Gluten-Free-Challenge Week 4 | Real Food RN

How do I feel after week 2 of the 30 day challenge? Awesome! Here is what I have noticed:

– digestion continues to be great!
– less congestion at night, I tend to get congested at bedtime (maybe related to my dinner?!)
– even less bloating
– sleeping through the night (and I’m pregnant! I usually get up 10 times at night!)
– my skin is glowing, no dark circles under my eyes
– no headaches since I started this challenge, not one!
– less moodiness. Very even mood!

Did you do the challenge with me? What did you notice? Will you continue living a gluten free lifestyle? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!

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Gluten Free Challenge

Hi, my name is Kate.

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