Physical Symptoms of Gallbladder Issues

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Physical Symptoms of Gallbladder Issues | Real Food RN

There are many physical manifestations of the ailments that are going on inside of our bodies. I find this so fascinating! It is always my rule of thumb to ask my patients and clients about their skin, hair, nails, tongue, and any other nagging external symptoms they have… might just be a clue to a deeper problem. We cannot see our internal organs, so look to your external symptoms as clues to what might be going on inside.

Here are a few symptoms that may present if you are having gallbladder issues:

  • black/brown spots on the skin (particularly on the forehead, between the eyebrows and under the eyes) Some may appear on the back of your hands later in life (this is why they are called “liver spots”–your liver and gallbladder are intimately connected)
  • vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows
  • pimples or hair growth between the eyebrows
  • horizontal wrinkles across the bridge of the nose
  • green or dark color of the temple area on the sides of your head
  • oily forehead
  • hair loss in the central region of the head
  • hardening of the tip of your nose
  • yellow skin color under the eyes
  • water bags under the eyes (this is a sign of congestion of the lymph, also tied in with the gallbladder)
  • white or yellow patches in the eye
  • eyes that appear dull (a sign of liver and kidney congestion)
  • tongue that is coated white or yellow (sign of digestive impairment, but also might be a sign of yeast overgrowth)
  • cracks on the tongue
  • coughing up mucus all the time (impaired digestion causing esophageal irritation)
  • bad breath
  • frequent burping
  • crust formations on the corners of the mouth (sores in the corner of the mouth are a sign on malnutrition/malabsorption)
  • dark spots on the lips
  • tooth problems (nutritional imbalance from poor digestive function)

For more information I highly suggest you read “The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush” by Andreas Moritz. (get your copy here)

*Note: this is not meant to be a diagnosis. If you are having any of these symptoms and are concerned you might have health issues related to them I urge you to go see your primary medical practitioner for further work up. This post is for educational purposes only.

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25 Replies to “Physical Symptoms of Gallbladder Issues”

  1. I dealt with gallbladder issues for two years before we (my doctor and I) figured out what it was. I had none of these symptoms, but certainly hope this helps someone because it was one of the most miserable experiences of my life not knowing what was wrong. The gallstone attacks were truly horrific and I often thought I was going to die during them. Thanks for trying to help others be more informed.

    1. I am having problems with mine. I have a swollen abdomen, lots of belching, and nauseated. Some days I feel like I am going to throw up. I have seen my doctor and I am having an ultrasound done. I am so ready to start feeling better.

  2. I LOVE your site and follow you on FB as well. This post is so timely for me, I am currently undergoing tests for gallbladder issues and my doc said the only cure is removing my gallbladder. Thanks to people like you, I now know that is not the only way. Thank goodness I realized that before I let them remove it! I don’t have gallstones, but rather a gallbladder that doesn’t function properly. I haven’t had any of the skin or hair issues you listed but I have had every digestive issue known to man it seems!

    1. Reba, that it awesome!!! Get the book, I actually just did the gallbladder/liver cleanse this morning! Timely 🙂

      Also, THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE, but have you considered supplementing with Ox Bile? Google it, might be helpful for you…

  3. Thank you Kate! I will look into the Ox Bile! I bought Betaine HCL with Pepsin and it is already helping. And thank you for the disclaimer! I love it! I am actually going to look for a new doc after this fiasco. “Gallbladder removal is the only thing to help you”. Hmm, not so thrilled with that less than stellar medical advice. Surgery should be the last resort!

    Thank you again!

  4. I am 55 years old I had my gallbladder removed when I was 22 and I still have all the symptoms. Now what do I do?

    1. You might want to consider supplementing with Ox Bile (this is not intended to be medical advice, just a recommendation that I would consider myself). If symptoms don’t resolve, consider that there might be something else going on.

  5. I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago (before I knew better) and I have almost every symptom you have listed above.

    My family and I have been eating a nourishing real foods diet for the past 18 months or so and I seem to have issues with everything I eat. I know you can’t give medical advice (I have seen my doctors about this, I think I have an adhesion, but none of them take me seriously), but what would you do in my situation? Do you think this book might help me?

    Thanks for such great content on your blog, I just found it this morning!


  6. Dealing right now w gallbladder but the surgeon and he say! I don’t have symptoms to be the gallbladder. I have this pain over 10 years. This year, became worse.. I can sustain food in my stomach or if I eat.. Pain comes later.. I’m trying to eat small portions. But still my pain still coming..

    1. I just found this thread and wished that I had seen it sooner! I had horrible gall bladder pain and was sure I would need to have it surgically removed. I went vegetarian a few years ago for other reasons and soon realized that I was not having issues anymore! It was such a relief. I do not eat meat anymore other than occassional fish or chicken but not RED meat! I hope this helps!

    2. My husband went undiagnosed with gall bladder symptoms for 7 years. They did many tests. The tests revealed that he had a gallbladder but no stones. They were looking for stones. But he didn’t have stones. They should’ve done a HIDA scan which shows how the gallbladder functions. Not everybody that has gallbladder problems has stones. Once they did the HIDA scan they found out that he only had 11% functioning of his gallbladder. Why don’t they do the HIDA scan first? Is it a matter of cost?

  7. Hello! Just wanted to say, I have just been diagnosed with a gall bladder that isnt working right. Have to have it removed in the next couple weeks. Just wanted to say some symptoms I’ve been having. Nausea, lack of appetite, sore back at times, stomach aches, pain shooting up my neck at times, headache, side aches, loose stool, and lack of energy. Hope this helps you or anyone else!

    1. That’s how I feel right now ..been trying to figure out Was was wrong with me for a year now ..the pain is excruciating..and I don’t eat hardly anything ..Sucks

  8. So I had pressure under my rib on the right side. Scheduled ultrasound, it showed a 1.7 cm gallstone and dilated bile ducts. Had MRI W/ contrast that showed everything was normal however they want to repeat the ultrasound which I have scheduled. They said maybe it’s a tissue fold or flap. I just had the worst fibromyalgia flare ever, body aches, horrible headaches, gas, bloating, constipation, very itchy calves which may be bile duct related. 22 symptoms of gallbladder disease-Dr. Jockers article says fibromyalgia can be from gallbladder disease. My diet has been amazingly healthy since the first symptoms of pressure. I always took acidophilus but now added Silymarin ( milk thistle ) digestive enzymes, turmeric. Don’t know if I will be having the gallbladder out but at this point I’m definitely open to it!

  9. I have severe pain radiating in the right lower abdomen to the upper part of the abdomen. It likens to a labor pain. I was vomiting earlier in the day with diarrhea and bloating. I wonder if this is possibly gallbladder or appendix.

  10. I have had all of these symptoms since I was 20 plus a few on other sites. Never once was gull bladder brought up until 10 years ago when lifting a toilet I was replacing brought me to my knees. They suggested stones then but the birth of my granddaughter became more important than my appointment with the surgeon. I also was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 20 years ago. Now at 55 I’m scheduled to see another surgeon after a ct scan showing gull stones. All the suffering since 20 and it all could be my gallbladder. It would take to much space to go through all I have gone through and meds taken but wow!

  11. I am amazed by this list of physical symptoms. My GP told me earlier that she thinks I have gallstones – over the last few days I have noticed pimples on each eyebrow and dry skin at the corners of my mouth. I never knew there could be a connection!

    1. I have pain in lower mid abdomin which became severe after few days i got my ultrsound dctr said you have gall stones and advise me to remove but i did not …pain comes and go sometime more severe

  12. Thank you for your advice. I intermittently get the pain on my right side mid drift area. I can’t connect the pain to specific food. However, daily I wear a lightweight garment similar to a narrow strapped, elastic undershirt. It reminds me to straighten my posture. Unfortunately, after several hours, the pain increases over the gallbladder. I have had an ultra scan, which did not show evidence a problem in my gall bladder, but a very slight ‘fatty liver’. Can you please offer a recommendation for ‘treatment’, supplements or anything that will help me. I may be traveling in a few months. Please list any of your suggestions!

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