How to Clean a Microsuede Couch with One Simple Ingredient

How to Clean a Microsuede Couch with One Simple Ingredient | Real Food RN

I never thought I would get such joy from learning how to clean a microsuede couch, but this really is awesome! Our couch plays many roles in our house: bed, trampoline, fort….and canvas for food and drink. My kids spill something on it almost hourly. There is no such thing as a leak-proof sippy. We have tried them all! I really do not like to look at all those stains, but I also don’t want to use harsh chemicals to clean it up. Then someone taught me this technique! AHmazing! Here is how it goes down….

What you need:

First, here is a before picture of my beautiful stained couch! (this is actually pretty tame for my kids, it’s usually much worse!)

How to Clean a Microsuede Couch with One Simple Ingredient | Real Food RN


  • Pour isopropyl alcohol into spray bottle. Straight up!
  • Spray your couch liberally with the sprayer. I mean soak your couch! Don’t worry, it evaporates
How to Clean a Microsuede Couch with One Simple Ingredient | Real Food RN
  • Now take your scouring pad and SCRUB! Scrub those stains very well and really work it! Add more alcohol if needed
  • Repeat the scrubbing with your kitchen sponge, to soak up some of the dirt. I also use a white towel sometimes.
  • Let it dry completely
  • Grab your brush and brush back and forth over the suede. This step really polishes it up nice!
How to Clean a Microsuede Couch with One Simple Ingredient | Real Food RN
  • Repeat if the stains are still visible. Some stains take a few treatments to get out….especially marker and nail polish!
  • Ta da! It’s like new!
How to Clean a Microsuede Couch with One Simple Ingredient | Real Food RN

I have done this so many times that I have lost count and my couch does not look worn down or old. Every time I clean it I continue to be in awe with this method!

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How to Clean a Microsuede Couch with One Simple Ingredient | Real Food RN

Hi, my name is Kate.


  1. I was just curious if this method can be used on a dark brown microsuede couch? Im worried about it bleaching it or making it discolored. Should i test it out on a hidden spot first?

    1. Curious if you tried it on your darker colored cushions? Ours is a darker color but I need to try something. The dang dog has snuck up on ours and it needs deoderized.

      1. Yes it should if we think about it this is how suede works and using the scrubbing off of the dirt is perfect! I can’t wait to try this

  2. Tried this, it works!! although it takes a lot of elbow grease and sometimes several tries. A few spots I couldn’t get out. But it improved it greatly and with time, I think they’ll eventually work out.

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