30 Healthy Living eBooks, only $39!


Wouldn’t it be nice if someone just sorted through all of the information out there related to health and wellness and put it into one place? A place where you could learn to cook real food, heal your metabolism, nourish your kids, clean your home naturally, stock your pantry, and make healthy desserts? Well, you can!!! This week all of your burning questions will be answered with the Spring eBook Bundle from Village Green Network!

The best part is that after you purchase the eBook bundle, all 30 of the healthy living ebooks are YOURS TO KEEP! You can download the entire package and keep them to read whenever you have time. The great thing about eBooks is that you will be able to download them and get reading right away! You will not have to wait to get them in the mail, or have to go pick them up at the library. They will be emailed right to your email inbox! But they will only be this cheap for one week, then the price goes back up. So take advantage of this amazing offer right NOW.

It has taken me years to read through all of the blog posts and books on health and nutrition that I have read. I wish this eBook bundle had been around when I started out….would have saved me a ton of time! Not to mention a ton of cash because right now you can get all of these life-changing eBooks for less than $1.50 each!

What’s in the Bundle?

The Spring eBook Bundle includes 30 health and wellness eBooks from bloggers like myself. Here are just a few of the titles you’ll find in the bundle:

  • The Nourished Metabolism by Elizabeth Walling 
  • Real Food for Real Life by Emily Benfit from Butter Believer
  • Eat for Heat by Matt Stone from 180 Degree Health
  • Nourished Baby by Heather Dessinger of Mommypotamus
  • Grain-free Desserts by Jennifer McGruther of Nourished Kitchen
  • Real Food Nutrition FOR KIDS! by Kristen Michaelis of Food Renegade
  • Toxic Free: 70 Recipes for a Toxic-free Home by Robin Konie of Thank Your Body

Click here to see the full list of all 30 eBooks in the bundle.

Order the bundle and you’ll get instant access all 30 eBooks to download and read on your computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet or electronic reader.

Save over 90% for 7 Days Only!

It would cost you $479 to go buy each of these books separately, but for 7 days only you can get all 30 eBooks for only $39–that’s over 90% off!

Don’t miss out on this incredible deal! The Spring eBook Bundle is only available until April 23, 2013. After that, this offer will be gone. That means if you don’t buy the bundle this week, you will have to buy each book at its regular price if should decide to read it.

Click here to order all 30 eBooks for $39 and save over 90% now.

What are you waiting for?

Now is your chance to take advantage of incredible savings! This week only — get 30 eBooks for only $39! That’s less than $1.50 per eBook — a savings of over 90%! Think about it, you probably spend more on latte’s each week! For the price of a cheap pair of shoes, you can get 30 amazingly informative eBooks from some of the greatest online resources of health and nutrition.

Download all 30 eBooks now for this LOW price and read them at your leisure — on your Kindle, iPad, iPhone or computer.

Save over 90%! 30 Healthy Living eBooks
— only $39 (A $479 value!).

Click here to order the Spring eBook Bundle today!

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After you order the bundle I would love to know which book you found to be the most useful to you! Leave your comments below.


Hi, my name is Kate.

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