Weekly Link Love
A weekly installment of blog posts that I loved this week: May 6, 2013
Dandelions and detoxing:
- Dandelion Root Tea for Liver Health and Fat Digestion
- https://www.healthhomehappy.com/2010/10/natural-remedy-dandelion-root-for-liver-health-and-fat-digestion.html
- Fermented Dandelion Soda
- https://myjournalkohn.blogspot.com/2011/06/fermented-dandelion-soda.html
- 7 Ways to Use the Dandelions in Your Yard
- https://www.healthextremist.com/what-to-do-with-dandelions/
- The Liver: Your most important fat burning organ
- https://butternutrition.com/2012/06/05/the-liver-your-most-important-fat-burning-organ/
Think Spring!
- 20 Springtime Uses For Vinegar
- https://www.deniseinbloom.com/uses-for-vinegar/
- Go Play in the Dirt! It’s Good for Your Health! (this post is about a bacteria in soil that makes us feel good)
- https://learningandyearning.com/go-play-in-the-dirt
Recipes for spring:
- Spring Tonic Soup with Wild Greens
- https://www.healthygreenkitchen.com/spring-tonic-soup.html
- Wild Mushroom Pate
- https://www.healthstartsinthekitchen.com/2013/05/01/wild-mushroom-pate/
- Choose and Use Good Fats
- https://empoweredsustenance.com/essential-guide-to-choosing-and-using-good-fats-print-out/
- Stinging Nettle: How to Identify, Harvest, and Prepare
- https://www.diynatural.com/stinging-nettle-how-to-identify-harvest-and-eat/
- I’m Starting A Farm.
- https://theelliotthomestead.com/2013/05/im-starting-a-farm/
- How To Shop At Your Local Farmer’s Market
- https://thesproutingseed.com/shop-local-how-to-shop-at-your-farmers-market/
- Why You Should Join a CSA This Year
- https://www.smallfootprintfamily.com/what-is-community-supported-agriculture
- Magnesium: Why You Need It and 5 Ways To Get More Of It
- https://thecoconutmama.com/2013/05/magnesium-why-you-need-it-and-5-ways-to-get-more-of-it/
Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful Moms out there! Hope you have a relaxing day….I might try a little meditation to relax
- Video showing Still wet newborn lambs and Mom
https://amazinggrazefarm.com/did-it-happen-today/ - Beginner Tips for Meditation
- https://naturalfamilytoday.com/health/beginner-tips-for-meditation/#axzz2STDqqiXk

Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.