Magnesium Supplementation: what you need to know
Magnesium, often overlooked but vitally important to our health. In our modern world filled with stress, nutrient-poor diets, and mineral depleting foods it has become one of the most common nutritional deficiencies.
Why do we need magnesium anyway?
It is responsible for over 300 different chemical reactions in our bodies!
Magnesium promotes:
- nervous system health (helps you relax)
- mitochondrial health (energy levels)
- sleep
- intestinal function (too little magnesium leads to constipation)
- bone health (it works with calcium and vitamin D to promote bone health)
- heart & blood vessel health: maintains blood pressure, helps the heart muscle function better, it’s a natural blood thinner (thus protecting against heart attacks and stroke), lowers cholesterol, enhances circulation
- glucose metabolism (helps prevent diabetes)
- kidney health (reverses kidney stone formation)
…..and the list goes on and on.
What depletes our magnesium levels?
- caffeine
- alcohol
- stress
- sugar
- processed food that is full of “anti-nutrients” like phytic acid
How do I know if my magnesium levels are low?
Wellness Mama explains:
Low magnesium levels are often diagnosed by symptoms alone, and the following symptoms can point to low magnesium levels:
- Inability to sleep or insomnia
- irritability
- sensitivity to noise
- mental disturbances
- anxiety, depression or restlessness
- muscle soreness or spasms
- infertility or PMS
- high levels of stress
- Headaches
- Heart “flutters” or palpitations
- fatigue or unusual tiredness
- coldness in extremities
- fuzzy brain or difficulty concentrating
- allergies and sensitivities
- lack of appetite
- back pain
- body odor
- bad short term memory
- poor coordination
- insulin resistance
- carbohydrate cravings
- constipation
- frequent cavities or poor dental health
- gut disorders
- kidney stones
- thyroid problems
How do I get magnesium?
The most magnesium rich foods are:
- beans
- grains
- nuts & seeds
- chocolate
- leafy greens
- nettle tea
BUT NOT SO FAST!!! These foods might be high in magnesium, but they also contain “anti-nutrients” which bind to the minerals and render them useless (un-absorbable by the human body). You can try soaking and sprouting them to get rid of some of these anti-nutrients in the hopes of absorbing more of the minerals. I prefer to just get my magnesium via supplementation so I can be sure I am getting enough. There are two ways to get your magnesium via supplementation: oral and transdermal.
Oral magnesium supplementation:
The kind of oral magnesium that I have seen the best results with is Natural Calm. I have stopped taking it though, as I find topical magnesium to be more effective.
Here’s the problem with oral supplementation:
- it can have laxative effects if you take too much
- many drugs bind with magnesium diminishing its availability in the body
- it can neutralize stomach acid, which can lead to malabsorption and other health problems
Transdermal supplementation:
Why I switched to transdermal (topical) magnesium supplementation:
- it is easily absorbed through the skin and does not lead to the same intestinal and digestive issues as when taken orally
- Dr. Norman Shealy explains:
“It takes up to five years of taking oral magnesium to restore intracellular levels to normal range. But using magnesium oil transdermally, it restores the intracellar levels within four weeks”.
So how do I take my magnesium transdermally?
Easy: magnesium oil. I just rub it on my skin (usually on my lower back) right before I go to bed. It’s just that easy!
Read about how I make my own magnesium oil HERE
Do you supplement with magnesium? Which supplementation form do you prefer? I would love to hear in the comments below.

Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.
I been using Re-Mag and have had amazing results. Dr. Carolyn dean has been very instrumental in getting my levels back to speed.
Dr. Carolyn Dean is AMAZING!
How many drops of this topical magnesium do you put on your back?
I use the dropped in the picture at the top. About a quarter sized puddle in my hand and I rub it on. If I’m particularly stressed (magnesium depleting!) I will use more.
So when my mom would recommend an epsom salts bath (magnesium sulfate) when I was overtired, stressed, or irritable she was on the right track?
Bingo! You have a smart mom!
Fantastic post. I had migraines and heart palpitations due to low magnesium levels. My husband had dental issues and constipation. We take an oral magnesium supplement, but I think I’ll try the oil instead!
Wonderful! When I am extremely stressed out I sometimes even take both topical and oral
I am going to make this soon and am wondering if it is ok to use on my kids, ages 6 & 8? And if so, how much? Thank you!
Jenny, I would use half the amount that you use, or less. A great way to get your children magnesium is through epsom salt baths. I would actually try epsom baths over the oil for kids. You can also put the oil into a spray bottle and spritz it on them before bed, on their back or arms.
There is another way to get magnesium and several other essential minerals and electrolytes. It is called the Water Cures Protocol. It involves using unprocessed sea salt which has magnesium in it.
Using mag, calcium and zinc to correct several heart arrhythmia’s.
Aren’t there different kinds of magnesium?
Would you use a lotion with magnesium and lavender on kids feet? ages 2 and 3
thank you