DIY Insect Deterrent Spray
I want to protect my family from getting eaten alive by mosquitos this summer. After all, the Mosquito is the unofficial State Bird here in Minnesota! However, I do not want to douse my family with toxic chemical sprays! So I made up a batch of my own using citronella, because it is a widely known insect deterrent. It’s great stuff and I also love the fresh smell! Who doesn’t love saving a few pennies making their own DIY Insect Deterrent Spray anyway!
What you need:
- 1 (4 oz.) glass spray bottle — where to get
- Witch Hazel — where to get
- Vegetable Glycerine — where to get
- Distilled water
- Citronella oil — where to find
- Fill spray bottle half way full with water
- Add witch hazel almost to the top
- Add 1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin
- Add 20 drops of Citronella
- Use as needed, but avoid spraying directly onto the face as it can burn your eyes.
How to Get Started with Essential Oils
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Hi, my name is Kate.
I love food. Real food. We eat all of the things that nursing school taught me were bad for you: butter, eggs, bacon, and raw milk.
I am a Nurse, a Mom, and a Real Food loving blogger. Just trying to save the world.
Question — there should be a size listed for the spray bottle… because I could get 24 oz glass spray bottles, and if you have a 4 oz one (looks like it from the picture) and the ratio probably wouldn’t work. So can you tell us? Thanks.
Good idea, I will edit the post. Thanks!
After a great cookout tonight, I found your recipe! I am certainly making this as I HATE the thought of spraying those nasty chemicals all over my kids! YUCK!! Thanks so much for sharing!
We tested it in the woods of Walnut Grove, MN and we did not get even one bite. Mosquitos all around us, but no bites. It’s good stuff!
It is more pricy, but it lasts a long time. I use it for alot and 2 bottles is more than enough for my family of 5 all fall and winter and going into spring. It is well worth it.
I don’t have any witch hazel, could I use Apple Cider Vinegar? or Rubbing Alcohol?
I would use rubbing alcohol before ACV, you might get sticky with the ACV.
Is the vegetable glycerin a essential?
You can omit it