Fermented Cod Liver Oil for Kids

Fermented Cod Liver Oil for Kids | Real Food RN

Getting your kids to eat Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO) every morning is no easy task! But, I do it every morning. Here is a brief post on how I do it:

Two Methods:

Method One: We mix the orange-flavored Fermented Cod Liver Oil in orange juice and use the syringe provided with the oil to “inject it” into their mouths (no needles involved here). Best method for babies.

Method Two: Chocolate Flavored Gel Fermented Cod Liver oil. Scoop it out, tell the kids its chocolate. Nuff said! (see photo of my daughter taking hers with breakfast).


You can get your FCLO HERE. Bonus: use coupon code: REALFOOD at checkout and you will get 10% off of your entire order!


Hi, my name is Kate.

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    1. Can you order it through Amazon in the UK? Click the links in the post and it will show you what kind to order

  1. How much do you guys each take daily? I have a 3 yr old son and myself, my husband; want to make good use of taking it-not too much or too little, seems like the recommended amount on the bottle would be too little unless you know you’re getting the nutrients elsewhere, which we may be but not consistently. Out diet is pretty well rounded but can always be improved.

    1. I follow the dosage on the bottle. Sometimes I double up on a dose if there is something going around and I don’t want to get sick.

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