60 Day Challenge

Welcome to Real Food RN! A blog with the mission to empower you to live your healthiest life possible, starting today.


I started Real Food RN with the intention to help others remedy their health issues and prevent illness. I have seen such a positive response from my readers, and I thank you for that! Joining the Village Green Network of bloggers has really projected me into what Blogging is all about. Now, they have presented me with a Blogger challenge. I am NOT one to let a challenge go unchallenged so here it is: post 60 posts for 60 days. That’s one blog post every day for 60 days!!!! I’m a little scared about this challenge….how am I going to fit this into my already crazy busy life working at the hospital with a family and houe to take care of? Well, Challenge TAKEN! Wish me luck!

My goal is to grow this blog to 25,000+ monthly visits by the time this challenge is over. Yes, I am nuts!

I hope you all enjoy the posts – many of them will be recipes I wouldn’t normally share because they are my go-to every day recipes and tips that seemed to simple to post about. Well not for these next two months. I will be posting about anything and everything and you will see it all! I hope you enjoy the new influx of content and that you find something that inspires you. Now you can check back every day and know you will see something new!

I need schedule and structure in my life so I have decided to cater each day to a different weekly topic. Here is what it will look like (for the most part, there will be some variation)

  • Sunday: Snapshot of My Life
  • Monday: In the Garden (tips and updates on my own garden)
  • Tuesday: How-To Tuesday
  • Wednesday: What we Eat Wednesday
  • Thursday: FREE DAY, open to any topic (please make suggestions!)
  • Friday: Fitness Fridays, my lovely husband will be helping me with this one
  • Saturday: Beverages

Want to Help Me Meet My Goal?

Help me spread the word about Real Food RN. When you like a post – please share it with friends. The whole point of my blog is to spread the great news about real food and to hopefully inspire those who feel they do not have the time to cook for their families to start doing so.

Here are a few things you can do to help:

Follow me on Facebook.

Sign up for my Newsletter.

Share my posts on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest (click the links at the top or bottom of the posts).

Thanks and stay tuned! This is going to be fun!

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

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