The Ultimate Sweat-It-Out Detox Bath

If you are in need of a good detoxification then you absolutely have to try this method. When I feel toxic, this is my go-to detox bath. It works because it causes you to sweat...and I mean SWEAT!

The Ultimate Detox Bath | Real Food RN

If you are in need of a good detoxification then you absolutely have to try this method. When I feel toxic, this is my go-to detox bath. It works because it causes you to sweat…and I mean SWEAT!

Sweating is good for you for the following reasons: 

  • It helps your body eliminate salt (which causes excess bloating), alcohol and heavy metals
  • It unclogs your pores and improves your skin tone
  • It burns calories (woo-hoo!)
  • It strengthens your immune system because when your body heats up it generates more white blood cells
  • It relaxes your body and relieves stress by heating up the muscles

Okay, ready for the detox bath protocol?

The Ultimate Detox Bath

What you need: 

  • 2-3 Tbsp powdered ginger (the amount depends on how much heat you can handle) — where to find
  • 1 coffee mug full of boiling water, allow it to cool just to the point of drinkability
  • 1 bathtub full of hot water
  • 3 cups epsom salts — where to find


  • Run a tub full of hot water, enough to completely submerge yourself in up to your neck
  • Add epsom salts to water
  • While standing outside the tub, mix the ginger into the hot water and stir until well dissolved
  • Now drink it as fast as you can and climb into the detox bath
  • Lie very still and notice how the heat from the ginger warms you internally just as the hot bath water warms you up externally. Within a few minutes you will be sweating like crazy! The epsom salts help pull out the toxins as they are released.
  • If you really want to crank it up a notch, try drinking this ginger drink before going into a sauna! Yowza, I love it!!!!

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The Ultimate Detox Bath | Real Food RN
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67 Replies to “The Ultimate Sweat-It-Out Detox Bath”

    1. Agreed Georgia. I definitely want to try this but I’ll probably have the hubster kick it with me so we can keep an eye on each other just in case 🙂

  1. Thank you for this recipe! I’ve always run a hot bath with Epsom salts while drinking ginger tea but this sounds like an even better detox!

    1. I have soaked for up to an hour. Me time! You could definitely mix some Stevia in the ginger water, I chug it fast so I don’t need to flavor it much. Do as often as you feel necessary. Let your body be your guide, if you start to feel crummy you might be detoxing to fast and need to back off a bit. I do a few a week right now.

    1. Detoxing while breastfeeding is generally not recommended because your milk is essentially your blood. That being said, you could always pump and dump after the bath. I did. 🙂

    2. I was going to ask the same thing. I don’t plan on pumping, at least not for a while, so no detox baths for me.

        1. Kathy, good point. Many herbs and even drinking alcohol increases bleeding time. I sure hope that people on blood thinners are aware of the risks when taking these medications.

  2. Its a good recipe, Kate: here is how to make it even better:
    — In bathtub full of hot water, put equal parts Sea Salt (not Epsom salts), and Baking Soda. So, 1 pound of each, or 2 pounds of each, or 3 pounds of each. Stir up the water. Sit in the hot bath, long as you can…the longer the better. The salt and baking soda combination is a de-tox, not only for the usual toxins, but for Radiation poisoning coming from too much exposure to Wi-Fi, Cell towers, etc etc etc. We are all exposed to this!

  3. Adding a little Bentonite Clay helps with all toxins, but especially heavy metals! You can also add a little raw honey to the ginger drink to make it more palatable. Thanks for the reminder to detox, Kate. It’s been too long!

    1. Well it shouldn’t because the heat causes vasodilation, which in effect decreases blood pressure. But if you have uncontrolled blood pressure, you might want to consult with your primary care provider before considering any detoxification methods.

    1. It is generally not recommended to do any form of detoxification while pregnant. That being said, Chlorella is safe during pregnancy and it binds to toxins and heavy metals. You might want to consider supplementing with that until you deliver.

  4. I’m interested in finding out why ginger instead of some other food or drink. I’m a garlic and Jalapeño lover and have been known to eat both raw. I don’t care for ginger too much so I’m wondering if I could just crush some garlic and Jalapeños and eat them before the bath instead of using the ginger.

  5. Kate, I have been doing the bath salt detox for several years…it’s awesome! For maximum results I buy Dead Sea Salt from San Francisco Bath Salt online! It is very effective for fibromyalgia type pain. I tried your ginger drink and it has helped me beyond belief. I added raw organic honey which made it very tasty. The ginger gets absorbed in the top of your throat & mouth which goes directly to your sinuses. What a fabulous feeling to be able to breathe! It is also a great cure for constipation! So thank you for reminding me how great detox is and keep up the good work on your page! Thank you! Linda Landis

    1. Yes, I have tried putting it in the bath water too. Get’s a bit messy and when I’m done with my baths I just want to go to bed…not scrub the tub 🙂

      1. Do you have any recommendations for a water filter that filters our chlorine? Our water has massive amounts of chlorine.

  6. Thanks so much for the info. Could I substitute young living ginger essential oil? If so how much would I use? Thanks

  7. I know you did not recommend doing this while pregnant…however, I am not pregnant currently but am trying to get pregnant. I know right now that I am not pregnant. Is this safe to do before you get pregnant? I didn’t know if detox effects could linger for weeks in your body…might sound silly but I have never done a detox and I am very interested in trying this one. Thanks

  8. 2 fun knee! I am glad I went back and reread the article again. I was getting read to dump ginger in the tube. I would not want to take the chance of it causing burning of my who ha!!! Can just hear my male gyn saying, “You did what?!? You are suppose to cook with it.” A hot detox bath with a side ginger chaser IS cooking–ME!
    An ideal old toxic me is going to try.
    I will do this hot soak before bed. If you have mercury/heavy metal issues or worried about the fluoride in the bath water first jump breifly on a mini trampoline or in place, do the “dragon’s breathe” breathing while dry brush your skin with lympathic flow, jump again on trampoline/in place, then drink your hot D. Tox ginger toddy. Take fiber for a cleanzing poo, drink plenty of water after and take a charcoal pill and some cracked wall chorella.

    Watch how you feel the next day and note if you have extra vivid dreams. More hydration with electrolytes and charcoal and cracked wall chorella would be wise. Wowza! Be careful ReallyToxic Folks–GO SLOW at first in introducing all this. “Breathe of fire” (lots on yu-tube) alone was enough when I first started doing it to make me dizzy, light headed and queasy. For the seriously toxic, doing one or two of these followed with the water, fiber, charcoal and chlorella might be safest. Work up to this potentially powerful detox.

  9. Hope this helps. Even if you think yourself non toxic, and are mindful and careful, you probably are to some extent.
    We live on a planet,and in bodies which are being polluted by our very existence.
    Thank Kate for your your vigilance and mission to keep us all healthy,informed and well.

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